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Annihilation of a forgotten moon – A Firefight (Annihilation) tournament

Earn 2,000 Reward Points

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Annihilation of a forgotten moon – A Firefight (Annihilation) tournament
DigitalMantic Direct

Join us on Saturday 21st September for 3 games of firefight at the Mantic HQ store, The home of Mantic Games! 

Please send your list to Mantic HQ store email [email protected] by 14th September with a 1000 point limit, chosen from the armoured battlegroup force organisation chart. We will only accept lists created with the Mantic companion, all lists need to be a “Valid” list using Ambush force rules. 

  • 3 Games of Firefight – Annihilation
  • Goody Bag
  • Prize Support
  • Lunch not included
  • Tuck shop available
  • FREE on-site parking
  • You won’t be sent a physical ticket, showing us the purchase confirmation is sufficient. 
  • See below for the days timetable: 
    9.30am Registration 
    9.45am Briefing 
    10.00am Game 1 
    12.30m Game 2 
    2.30pm Break
    2.45pmGame 3 
    5pm Prize Giving 

Join us on Saturday 21st September for 3 games of firefight at the Mantic HQ…