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US Masters, Best of the Rest & Clash of Kings!

4th Sep 2024

Dan Mapleston

For some, Kings of War is a casual and relaxing hobby experience. For others it’s a way of life, a noble crucible of battle in which to test wits against the best opponents from across your country, or indeed the world!

If you’ve got a competitive streak, you’ll want to keep reading…

Nova Open – US Masters & Best of the Rest

This weekend just gone saw huge competitive US Masters (now in it’s 8th year!) and Best of the Rest tournament events at the Nova Open in Washington DC, USA.

Army Gallery

Watch out for a future post-event report, but in the meantime make sure to check out a gallery of some of our favourite armies over on Mantic social media HERE.

Catch-Up Online

You can also find a full coverage round-up (including video) over at Dash28 by clicking HERE or on the image below!


Massive congratulations to the award winners of the 64-player US Masters event:

  • Master – Ed Fiske
  • Paragon – Chris Pelletier
  • Cornwell Sportsman – Allen Buehner
  • Best Appearance – Greg Person
  • Player’s Choice – Bart Koehler
  • Counter Charger – Jon McCready
  • Best Region – Mid-Atlantic

And also to all the winners and participants in the 22-player Best of the Rest tournament!

Launch of a Special New Miniature

Following in the popular footsteps of ‘Ronnie the Bard’stard’ from last year, we’re pleased to show off the new 2024 Special Reward Miniature, which debuted at the Nova Open!

Some say this northern hero bears a surprisingly strong resemblance to our very own man in the US, Kyle Przelenski, and that he appears to Mantic gamers in their hour of need. All we know is that Kyle is certainly no stranger to getting kitted up for the frozen wastes!

This is just another way that we like to reward players that are either new to the tournament scene with their first all-Mantic army, or have built and brought a new one to battle for the current season.

Either way, we look forward to showing our appreciation with this special and hard-to-get mini!

Now…meanwhile…over the pond in the bountiful land of rain, (more rain), red double-decker buses, and fish & chips…

Clash of Kings UK

This year Clash of Kings UK is on the 14th and 15th September, right here in Nottingham, with 200 players preparing to bring Pannithor to life over one glorious weekend.

The one and only Mr Steve Hildrew has been doing an amazing job of getting everything organised, and it’s now less than two weeks away. We wish everyone with an entry ticket the very best of luck, and can’t wait to join you all and soak up the atmosphere.

As with last year, we’re planning to arrange some enjoyable (and thoroughly Mantic) activities to enjoy before the event weekend, especially knowing that some of you are making the pilgrimage to Nottingham from further afield. We can’t wait to welcome you!

Friday 13th 2024 – Lucky For Some!

Here’s some of what we’re planning for some pre-Clash fun, either running at (or leaving from) Mantic HQ.

Halo: Flashpoint Demo Game

It’s coming soon, and it’s big news! Come and try your hand at Halo: Flashpoint, on the BIGGEST map yet seen. We’re building a special custom arena that should feel familiar to veteran players…

Trip to White Peak Distillery

One for the grown-ups! Come and visit the distillery responsible for brewing Mantic’s own very special in-world tipple: Goblin Blaster.

Join us setting off from Mantic HQ at 11am on Friday 13th September, or join us at White Peak Distillery at mid-day!

Coming along? Let us know by dropping an email to our events chap, Tobias, at [email protected]

Worms: The Board Game

Another big launch this summer and lots of good, honest, explosive fun!

Come and try your hand at all-out Worm warfare: holy hand grenades, super sheep, banana bombs and more await…

Mantic Studio Tours

Meet the team, and peek behind the scenes where we do our mould-making, graphic design, sculpt management, and more!

We’ll have studio tours running on Friday 13th at both 2pm and 4pm.

An Army Marches On Its Stomach…

Finally, we’ll round off a day of fun and games with some excellent local grub – so we’re all fuelled and ready for a weekend of epic battles.

For those about to dine, we salute you!

Coming along? Again, please let us know at [email protected]

Also at Clash of Kings 2024

Place Your Pre-Orders

We can’t bring everything with us to the show, so place a custom order (maybe including some of those harder-to-find ‘Mantic Direct’ minis), that you’d like to pick up at the show. Just let us know HERE!

You can even pre-order a bottle of Goblin Blaster Rum for £40. If you’re lucky enough to still look younger than 25 – well done you! – but please expect to be asked for ID.

Army Photography

We’d also like to extend another little treat to anyone bringing an all-Mantic army to Clash of Kings.

Come and have 3-4 of your favourite units photographed together by Ben, our in-house photographer on a board straight out of Pannithor!

Ben will have some availability over the Clash of Kings weekend (judge’s choice then first-come first-served), but we’d like to particularly invite any of our international visitors to have their photos taken first, right here on Friday at Mantic HQ.

From the team here at Mantic – congratulations to all of the US players at the Nova Open, and good luck to everyone currently preparing their armies for Clash in the UK!