Dwarf Miniatures
The Kings of War Dwarf Miniatures range features great value hard plastic dwarfen models in 28mm scale, perfect for wargaming.
The Ironclad dwarf warriors fighting technique epitomises the dwarven way of war. They lure their opponent into attacking first, trusting in their rugged physique and thick armour to protect them. Then, once the foe has come within reach, the Dwarfs will respond in unhurried, deadly manner.
Shieldbreakers are recruited from among the strongest of the Ironclad, swapping their axes and shields for great two-handed hammers that can crush armour and sunder shields. On the battlefield they act as hammer to the Ironclads’ anvil, flanking engaged units and bringing death to any who would stand against their hold. They take particular delight in smashing cavalry from their mounts, standing over their prone forms before delivering the coup de grace with a mighty downward blow.
Berserkers are the frenzied slayers of the Dwarf forces. Some dwarfs fall under the influence of the ‘red curse’, a violent rage that, in battle, transforms them into frenzied lunatics. These individuals group together in small warbands, or rarely into whole clans and march to whatever battles they can find. Fighting with wild abandon and seemingly feeling no pain, these Berserkers do not stop fighting until they are killed outright.
The Dwarf Miniatures range
Mantic's Dwarf miniatures range contains all the multi-part plastic kits, resin special characters and war machines you need to field a Dwarf army. The Army and Mega army boxed sets are amazing value, and give you a solid foundation to start collecting your dwarf miniatures.