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5 Reasons Why The New Book Is A Must Have! – Kings Of War

6th Sep 2022

Jonny Mann

After our exciting blog introducing the definitive version of Kings of War: Third Edition, today we’re going into more detail about the most exciting additions/changes in this bumper tome of joy. So, here are our top reasons every single Kings of War player needs to pick up the Super Turbo Championship Edition.


Don't you just hate it when an update requires you to buy yet another book to keep up with the meta, carrying 5 or 6 books to every game!? Well here at Mantic we care not only about your wallet but your back too! With the new Rulebook everything is compiled all into one easy to carry and fully updated tome. Now you’ll just need to turn up to an event with one book!

Think of all the extra space in your bag!


Have Soulflayers been hit with the nerf stick? Will elves go back to being as good as goblins at shooting? Does everyone still need a bunch of Aeronauts in their halfling army? All these questions and more will be answered in this new rulebook, which replaces the traditional Clash of Kings supplement for the 2022/23 tournament season.


Actually, it’s not just the stats that are getting some polish in this new book. The rules committee – the tireless team of Kings of War experts behind the scenes – have been picking apart the current edition and re-writing elements to ensure there’s no confusion about certain rules. Now you don’t need to print out the FAQ and errata because it’s all included in the core rules.


For the first time ever, armies that have traditionally only been available in the separate Uncharted Empires supplement will now be included in the core rulebook. This takes the total number of armies in the rulebook a mighty 27, including newly introduced armies like the Halflings and Riftforged Orcs.

Halfling Poachers Battlegroup colour shot

Now, the more eagle-eyed amongst you may notice that we’re one army short of the current 28. That’s because one army is getting a major overhaul in 2023, complete with new units, new rules and, most importantly, new hard plastic miniatures! So we thought it was best to give them a little holiday while we work on all of that. We’ll have more details on this new and improved army in a tomorrows blog but, for now, let the speculation begin. 


Perhaps one of the most exciting developments in this new rulebook is the inclusion of Kings of War: Ambush! Have you always wanted to try out a new faction but didn’t fancy painting up 2,000+ points? Maybe you want an even faster version of the game to show off to new players?

Trident Realms of Neritica Riverguard

Well Kings of War: Ambush is here to save the day. This is an alternate way to play the game based around armies between 750 and 999 points. Although the rules for things like movement and combat are the same, the way you build your armies has been changed to accommodate troops and regiments. We’re extremely excited about Ambush and will be going into LOTS more details about how awesome this new way to play is.

Of course, these points are just the tip of the exciting iceberg 

PRE ORDER IT HERE (available from 24th October)

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