A guide to multibasing in Kings of War
16th Apr 2020
Rob Burman

Hi everyone! We're continuing our 'welcome to Kings of War week'. After releasing the free rules on Tuesday (which you can download here), we're continuing our guides to getting you started in Kings of War.
In case you missed it, yesterday our resident Kings of War expert Kyle gave an information guide to deployment. This is absolutely critical viewing if you're a newcomer (or you just struggle to win). Make sure you watch it below.
One of the most interesting (and unique) aspects of Kings of War is the chance to multibase units. Just in case you've never played KoW before, instead of removing individual miniatures when a unit takes wounds, you track the amount of wounds using dice or another tool.
What's more, all units have a set foot print, so that means you can have slightly less or even slightly more minis on the base. As a result, you can glue your miniatures to the big base without ever worrying about removing them.
This has led to some really creative modelling, as players make mini dioramas known as multibases. However, knowing where to start with your multibase can be a daunting prospect, so we've collected some of the best video guides.
Luke is a big Kings of War fan and over the years he's made plenty of videos featuring everyone's favourite mass fantasy battle game. That's Kings of War, in case you're wondering.
He's also got loads of handy videos about creating simple and incredibly detailed bases for your Kings of War armies. Take a look at some of the guides below.
Of course, Luke's not the only channel to have a guide to multibasing. Miniac recently made a Northern Alliance unit with igloos!
There are plenty more multibasing videos across YouTube - here are just a few we hope will provide some inspiration for your own hobby projects.
Make sure you keep checking the blog all this week for more informative guides!