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Building Your Firefight Force

21st Jul 2023

Dan Mapleston

We've shown off lots of exciting new things coming to Firefight in the near future. So to round off the week let's look at how you create an army for both regular missions, and Annihilation games...

Totally new to Firefight? Go here first.

Building a Strike Force

Each game is played at a points level. Typical games range from 1,000 to 1,500 points, but you can go larger if you wish!

Each Force List is split into four sections:

  1. Command: the generals and commanders
  2. Troop: the fighters that make up the bulk of your army
  3. Specialist: elite units with special abilities or weaponry
  4. Support: large vehicles, creatures or gun platforms

Some units types can only be selected by 'unlocking' them with other units. First, you must take at least one Command unit and one Troop unit. Each Troop unit unlocks one Specialist or Command Unit. For every two Troop units, you may also include one Support unit.

Let's look at an example below with the Forge Fathers! Our first Command unit doesn't need unlocking. Then, our two Troop units allow us to also take an equal number of Specialist units. Those same two Troop units also let us take one Support unit.

Some units or unit upgrades are unique, and are marked with a [1] to indicate they can only be taken once. There are also general limits on duplication of Command, Specialist and Support units within these normal games to ensure variety, realism and balance.

  • 0-999pts: Up to one of each unit entry
  • 1,000-1,499pts: Up to two of each unit entry
  • 1,500-1,999pts: Up to three of each unit entry
  • 2,000pts+: +1 duplicate unit entry for each 500pts

Building an Armoured Battlegroup

Here we go - let's talk Annihilation games! This is our new vehicle-based mission mode, and it's going to be an absolute blast. It's no surprise that we use a different force organisation chart for this way of playing.

Each game is played at a points level. In this game mode bigger is better, but you could play smaller engagements if your table space is limited. Units are now split into just two main types:

  1. Mechansised: any unit with the keywords 'vehicle'/'walker'/'tracked'/'wheeled', plus Jetbikes and Sky Razors
  2. Non-Mechanised: Everything else!

Any non-mechanised units need to either have the 'aerial deployment' keyword, or be capable of using a transport and begin the game inside a vehicle.

Your first command unit must either be i) a command vehicle, ii) an 'ad-hoc command vehicle' (a special upgrade available to one transport), or iii) another command unit that can start the game deployed within a vehicle. It all becomes simple when we look at the chart...

Let's look at an example below with the GCPS! Our Command unit (the Canis Command Mule) doesn't need unlocking. Then, our six Mechanised units allow us to take half as many Non-Mechanised Units. Our Marine units will start the game inside the Hornet Dropships, and our Ranger Tank Hunters will be travelling inside the Wolverine APC.

So there you go - some inspiration for your new Firefight army, and a sneak peek at the revised force organisation rules from Firefight: Command Protocols!

Related Products

Firefight: Command Protocols Rulebook & Force Lists

This pack combines the new Firefight: Command Protocols book with all the tokens you need for the game. The Command Protocols book includes new content for existing players, plus the latest rules and updated force lists. And if you’re new to Firefight – start here!



Forge Father Forge Lord

The Forge Lords of the Star Realm are some of the most powerful individuals in the galaxy, able to call upon the legions of the Steel Warriors or the world-ending power of the Forge Stars.



Forge Father Steel Warriors

Forge Father armies are often comprised of heavily armoured infantry. Steel Warriors lay down withering volleys with their Hailstorm Rifles, while Stormrage Veterans cover their less experienced kin with heavy weapons fire.


Forge Father Thorgarim

A small number of Dwarf veterans find a taste for close quarters combat, eschewing the heavy ranged weapons of the comrades in favour of the mighty Forge Hammer. These weapons discharge a seismic pulse on impact, ravaging armour and organic matter alike.


Forge Father Forge Guard

The Forge Guard are the elite of Forge Father armies. Clad in thick interlocking armour plates, they are deployed only when victory is critical.


Forge Father Hultr Half-Track

Powerful engines and adaptable treads allow the Hultr Half-Track to react to the flow of battle fluidly, supporting the Forge Father lines with its Hailstorm or Magma Cannon.


Forge Father Gungnir Artillery Tank

The Gungnir Artillery Tank boasts a range of ammo types it can utilize, making it highly adaptable in battle. Able to fire both directly and indirectly, its long range makes it a formidable tool in the arsenal of the Star Realm.



GCPS Battlegroup

A tight-meshed command & control structure is critical to the smooth operation of all troops. Get it right and officers can seamlessly combine their ground and air assets to devastating effect. This set includes a command Mule and two Hornets.

The command Mule can be assembled and used as either a Canis command vehicle (GCPS & Mazon Labs), Propogator command vehicle (Plague) or a Raider command vehicle (Marauders).

NOTE: The vehicles in this battlegroup can be fielded by either GCPS, Marauders, Mazon Labs or Plague forces.



GCPS Ranger Sniper / Tank Hunter Team

The Rangers are the elite of the GCPS militaries – professionals who have seen the horrors of the galaxy and survived. The Ranger tank hunter and sniper teams are tasked with going behind enemy lines and eliminating high-value targets whatever the cost.

STL Available

GCPS Troopers

GCPS troopers are drafted from the riff-raff and the mean of the Co-Prosperity Sphere and trained until they’re the envy of any army.

STL Available