Check out the free OverDrive rules!
7th Feb 2022
Rob Burman
This week we've got plenty of exciting OverDrive content going live on the Mantic Blog - including a guide to two new players hitting the arena (The Bug and Big Mech), some tips if you're getting started and new pre-orders. However, today we're kicking things off with something rather exciting: free rules!
That's right, you can now get a taste of OverDrive with our free rules. These cover the basics, like moving, Slamming and Dodging, plus you'll learn how to draft your players and play the standard 'king of the hill' game mode. If you're an existing DreadBall player with some giants or are just curious about how OverDrive plays, the free rules are the perfect place to start.
If you want to give the game a go, just dust off your DreadBall Xtreme mat, as the layout of the playing area is roughly the same... but without the fancy subs' bench and proper rush counter... oh, and the scoring is different. But, apart from all that, you'll be able to play the standard game mode.
As well as the rules, we've also made available the stats for the following players:
- Dozer
- The Spawn
- Brank Reborn
- Synechdoche
- Karadon
- Skarathron
- Tigrax
- Shadow
- Gnaw
- Alpha Simian
If you've got some of these miniatures, you can now take them for a spin - or take a look at the stats for players you don't currently own to see what you may face on the other side of the arena!
After downloading the free rules, you may be wondering what's included in the core game. Well, inside the core game you'll get the rules for all six game modes: King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Pass the Bomb, Killing Streak, Invade and DodgeBrawl.
What's more, you'll also find some lovely tokens, the correct playing mat and the rules for playing a league. In a league your coach learns new abilities that can help push your players to new feats of greatness, or you can perform certain actions to earn additional cash while playing. You can find out more about how an OverDrive league plays here.
Why not take advantage of the current reward points offer to save £5 off a copy of OverDrive? For more details on reward points, make sure you read this blog.