Christmas Blogs: Warpath Universe in 2021
3rd Jan 2021
Rob Burman

Welcome to our Christmas Blogs! Over the next few days, we’re going to be keeping you updated about what’s coming up for all your favourite Mantic products. Just in case you missed Ronnie’s opener, here are the dates to mark in your calendar.
- December 26th – review of the year by Ronnie
- December 27th – Vanguard in 2021
- December 28th – what’s coming up from Winged Hussar
- December 29th – Brush with Death 2021
- December 30th – Kings of War in 2021
- December 31st – The Walking Dead in 2021
- January 1st – Armada in 2021
- January 2nd – DreadBall in 2021
- January 3rd – sci-fi in 2021
- January 4th – Hellboy in 2021
As you can see it’s a packed schedule, so make sure you tune in every day for sneak peeks, hot off the press information and more!
So far during our Christmas Blogs, we’ve covered plenty of details about games set in our Pannithor universe and a number of you are probably asking “BUT WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH SCI-FI?” Ok, wow – you’re actually shouting it, imaginary blog reader. Well, short story is… there’s plenty happening with sci-fi in 2021. Great, we’ll finish there. Thanks for reading today’s blog.
Oh, you want more than that? Ok, we’ll go into a little more detail. The truth is a lot of sci-fi goodness will be coming your way later in the year, so it’s a little too early to talk about too much now. BUT we do have some fun stuff coming up soon. Let’s take a look!
As you may know, it seems like forever that the Deadzone two-player set has been out of stock. Throughout lockdown we had numerous issues keeping the miniatures in supply. Then we got the minis… and ran out of the rulebook. We are putting this down to ‘the 2020 phenomenon’! 😊

However, this did give us an opportunity to take a look at the two-player set and decide what was best to keep it in stock. We decided that we would mostly keep the contents the same, but there will be a small change to the rulebook. To be honest, a large portion of the rulebook is now out of date because of Escalation, which includes the latest faction stats and scenarios.

With that in mind, we decided the rulebook is a little surplus to requirements because a lot of the stuff you’ll be referencing during games is included in Escalation. So the revised two-player set will now include
- a digital version of the rulebook
- a free physical copy of Escalation
- a free digital copy of Escalation too!
We think this is a great way to get into the game, and make sure you have the most up to date army lists!
We’re expecting it to be back in stock VERY soon!
During the Open Day, we also teased a new sub faction: Forge Father Artificers. We haven’t got a lot more to announce about the release date, but take a look at their new leader… the Master Artificer!

We are super excited about the Artificers and can’t wait to get them out to you.
In 2020 we released a mini Command Protocols, which was a PDF that included stats for the Spectra, Matsudan and some amended stats for existing units. In early(ish) 2021 we’re planning another mini Command Protocols that will introduce some of the new Kings of War Ratkin models into Deadzone.

We’re also planning a slight boost to the Mazon Labs with some CYBORGS! Honestly, Mazon Labs is a totally legitimate corporation that just wants to help people… nothing sinister going on there. The revised stats for the Mazon Labs and Veer-myn will be available as a free download in Q2.
A while back Ronnie mentioned that we’ve been taking a look at the rules for Firefight to tighten them up a bit and make sure it’s easier to make the transition from Deadzone into Firefight, which is a slightly larger-scale sci-fi wargame.

It’s still being worked on, and we will need lots of folks to help with play testing… sssssssoooooooo you might want to start painting up those awesome sci-fi vehicles. Just sayin’
Finally, it’s normally Ronnie that leaks all our new releases, but this time Rob’s loose lips have sunk the spaceship. He mentioned something codenamed: ‘Arena Wars’ - a DreadBall spin-off that’s focused on arena-based, gladiatorial combat.

We’ll have PLENTY more on this later in the year but, until then, you can start drooling over this new miniature… the Tigrax. Hang on, isn’t that a giant base from DreadBall? This is getting curiouser and curiouser.
So, as you can see, there's lots to get excited about for sci-fi in 2021. If this has tickled your sci-fi itch, make sure you pick up an army using the code CHRISTMASRONNIE because you'll get £10 off an order over £50!