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Community Round-up – April 22nd

22nd Apr 2020

Rob Burman

While the world deals with the difficulties of lockdown, it's been amazing to see the Mantic community pulling together. Over the past few weeks we've seen hobby groups pop up, Discord servers packed with chats and plenty of pictures of people sharing the hobby projects they've been working on.

It's humbling really that we're all part of a hobby that's able to pull together in this way. We're sure that painting or building miniatures, playing games or even just planning your next army, is a great distraction from what's going on around the globe.

It's certainly been clear from the activity on social media that a lot of you out there are using the time to finish off or start some hobby projects. So, here at Mantic, we thought it would be a good idea to round-up some of the things that have caught our eye recently.

This is just a sample of the wonders that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and blogs have to offer. Keep assembling, keep painting, and keep posting!

Beautiful Dambusters and Wyrmriders by Mich Cie

Dambusters by Mich Cie

Stunning GCPS Hornet completed by Thorne Mieben

Orc army completed by Patch Adams

GCPS Mule Transport by Geoff Blakey

Brad Jimenez has done some fantastic work on the new Abyssal Dwarf Blacksouls

Asterian Marionettes are ready to crush Matthew Mountain’s enemies

Cyle Pool has done a great job with a different paint style on some King’s of War Elves

If you haven’t read First Strike, you should and then you will be inspired to follow in Jack Millard’s footsteps. Also worth nothing that First Strike is currently FREE to download.

If you don’t like dirty, filthy rats maybe you can join the proud ranks of the Forge Fathers. These were completed by Patrick Lefevre

Of course, it's not just the community that's been busy. A number of Mantic staff have been using any extra hobby time to get a few projects under their belt ready for Ronnie's massive post-lockdown Kings of War battle.

Martin's Abyssal Dwarf Infernox. Martin is a lifelong Abyssal Dwarf player, if anyone asks

Rob's been busy rebasing his Forces of the Abyss army as part of a corrupt temple theme. His unpainted goblins can be heard weeping somewhere.

Kirsten is prepping her Deadzone terrain to play through the Nexus Psi solo campaign. Oh, that's another free download, by the way.


If you want to take part in a hobby hangout, then don't miss the Blackjack Legacy Hobby Hangout every Wednesday.

It's a great way to see what others are painting in the lockdown and be inspired to finish your own projects.

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First Strike DIGITAL

He moved with a calmness that was cold and impassive in its ef ciency, but when he struck he did so with a brutality that was breath-taking. A Stalker dropped squealing to the ground, blood fountaining from numerous puncture wounds across its torso. Another was dead before it hit the packed earth outside the marine base. He did not rush, he did not speak, and he showed no fear. He simply killed and killed again as if nothing could stop him executing every single Veer-myn on Acreon.

When a backwater world is invaded by ruthless aliens, the Drakenhof Corporation’s best marines are sent to repel them. But they are not the only interested parties, and the Council has also sent Lieutenant Commander Roca of the Enforcers to investigate. Why has Acreon been targeted by the Veer-myn? And what secrets are hidden beneath the planet’s surface that, if uncovered, could threaten the stability of the galaxy itself?
