Community Round-up: July 22nd
22nd Jul 2020
Rob Burman
When we say "community", you say "round-up"...
Come on, join in. You'll enjoy it once you start.
There you go. Fun, isn't it?!
When you say, "please stop", we'll say "ok, we'll get on with it".
"Ok, we'll get on with it."
Where to start this week? Well, you've got to admire this amazing achievement by Grant Alexander. 90 Nightstalker Scarecrows all painted up to create a Horde and four regiments. This is what rank and flank is all about!
On the subject of Nightstalkers, here's a nice Vanguard warband from Twitter user Sword & Bored. There are plenty of other cool warbands over on the Twitter page, so make sure you check it out.
Talking of warbands, over on the Kings of War Forum (yes, we do venture there sometimes), user Mike posted this great Undead warband. The colour scheme is very close to the classic studio minis and works really well across the different minis.
Keeping on the fantasy theme, eternal hobby magpie Matt Mountain has just finished his first Lower Abyssal for a new Vanguard warband. The purple is a cool choice and we can't wait to see the rest.
If you need proof of Matt's hobby proliferation, he followed the Lower Abyssal up with a neat Vanguard objective. Just look at that free hand on the shield!
Moving away from Pannithor now and onto The Walking Dead. Here's a great group shot of Lee, Clementine and Tyreese by Michael Slavinec.
Talking of Walking Dead, take a look at this suitably moody Abraham by Graham Sargeant. That poor Walker didn't stand a chance! A very clean and striking finish.
Finally we finish with this excellent Enforcer Strike Team from Rafal Maj. It's great to see a paint scheme inspired by the studio models and this absolutely nails it.
Over to Mantic HQ now for our hobby update...
How disappointing. Well, in my defence (Rob) I am currently halfway through two full model count hordes of goblin rabble... so I'll probably be done in about a month.
Right that's it for now - maybe I'll try and get those goblins finished sooner. BYE!