Community Round-up: June 17th
17th Jun 2020
Rob Burman
Hello folks! What better way to get over the midweek hump than with a community round-up? That's right, it's that time of the week when we have an excuse to spend ages on social media trawling for cool pictures. In between all the photos of cats in amusing hats playing the piano, we also find some awesome hobby projects too.
So, without further ado, what's caught our eye across the internet this week? Or specifically, what's caught our eye this morning when we realised it was Wednesday and had to do the update!
There's been a bit of a flurry of Hellboy activity at the moment and we absolutely loved this Hellboy bust by Twitter user @geordiecalgar. Although the Hellboy busts were available on the website just before lockdown, they're now making their way into stores too. The leather on Hellboy's coat is superb.
Something totally different now, courtesy of Marjin Bierhof with his Ogre Merc for Deadzone. The colour tones on this are great and the base brings the whole thing together. We just can't get ogre how good this is...
Talking of Deadzone, this week saw the end of Blackjack Legacy's Strike Team Challenge. More than 60 people painted up their Strike Team, like Dustan Dowsing with his Marauders. Unfortunately there are just too many to pick out for the community round-up (we may have to do a separate round-up) but you can view all the entries here. Congratulations to everyone that took part.
Next we have a couple of Survivors from The Walking Dead by Graham Sargeant. The tones are absolutely spot on with these. Nice work Graham - Negan would be proud.
Over to Vanguard now and Ian Floyd has gone for a different colour for his Nightstalkers that really works! The Nightstalkers are the living nightmares of mortal beings, so they could be anything really. ACTUALLY PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE CAN SOMEONE PAINT A BUTCHER AS A SCARY CLOWN? Thanks.
On the subject of striking paint jobs, take a look at this Grogakamok... Grogagamok... Grokagmog... Ogre Hero by Micheal Pearcy. It's actually set at night, with the mini only lit by the flames of the campfire. We just can't get ogre how good this is... can't believe we've never used that joke before!
Talking of Kings of War, we really enjoyed this Dwarf regiment by Joshua Cheeter. He's included a barrel of ale on the base, because we all know that dwarfs fight better after a few pints! We'll try that tactic with Ronnie on Saturday.
And we finish the community projects with this woodland-inspired elf regiment by Murmandamus Ardanien. Just shows what's possible with multibasing and a bit of imagination.
Meanwhile, at Mantic Towers - Martin has completed this rather excellent Chimera for his Varangur army. Just in case you didn't know, Martin is a lifelong Varangur player... no matter what rumours you hear about him playing Nightstalkers or Abyssal Dwarfs. His heart really belongs to the Varangur.
Right, that's it for now. Make sure you tune in on Saturday for Ronnie's Big Kings of War game. We'll have live updates from 2pm (UK time), covering all the action (and cheating). See you then!