Community Round-up: May 13th
13th May 2020
Rob Burman
It's time to hand over to Joe Neet again for another community update...
While the world slowly attempts to return to normality, we're still seeing loads of more great community projects for us to show off. Seriously, hunting down all these pictures for the update is one of the highlights of my week. Also, if you have not yet watched the footage (shame on you!) of the Mantic Open Day, check out our round-up here.
Starting off this week, Brad Jimenez is continuing to add to his Abyssal Dwarf army. You may remember Brad from his army spotlight article recently posted here.
Next up, Tom Panah showed off this fine quartet of Walkers. He'll be posting a guide shortly on the T&G Productions YouTube channel - so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss it.
A community update would not be complete without something from Daniel Read. Not only is the quality of his painting never lacking, it seems he is getting faster… too much hobby power in one man! Check out this beautifully cinematic unit of Dwarf Sharpshooters.
From the Kings of War forum this excellent combination of the Giant Flea from Mars Attacks and a Kings of War Dwarf, Joe McLaren’s King on Large Beast is ready to smite his foes.
Also posted to the Kings of War forums, we have some cool Ice Naiads from Frosty (that’s their username, no pun intended).
The cleansing of a “Deadzone” is no light matter, and this Enforcer Force by Matt Mesonero is ready to uphold the might of the Council of Seven.
Speaking of cleansing, Richard Hall has decided to turn a world into a Deadzone with his awesome Rebs-inspired Plague Strike Team. That poor Judwan never stood a chance.
Peter Cooman has done a spectacular job on his Deadzone terrain - showing it's not just minis that catch the eye. The modular nature of this terrain system opens unlimited possibilities for your battlefields.
Sam Graven rounds out this week with his Marauder DreadBall team. While our resident Baltimore Ravens fans (Joe & Rob) are against this yellow color scheme, we will give it a pass this time. Don’t worry our North American Sales Manager Kyle Przelenski will be ok with a Pittsburgh Steeler homage.
That is it for this week, keep an eye out for Steve Hildrew’s Friday update on the Death by Dragons YouTube page.