Community Round-up: September 23rd
23rd Sep 2020
Rob Burman
... and we're back with another community round-up! We'll be the first to admit it's been a while, so hopefully you haven't missed up too much. Of course, we've still been watching the various community groups and the great hobby projects have continued, even if we were too busy to mention them. Anyway, let's get on with this week's round-up.
We're starting with Nick Harris' superb Basilean War Wizard. Nick took the Rasputin miniature from Hellboy: The Board Game and gave it a Kings of War twist. And yes, that pattern on the chest is free hand!
While we've been away Daniel Read has finished his epic horde of Basilean Men at Arms. We've loved following the progress of this project and the finished result is stunning.
Daniel has already started on his next unit... just look at that Dungeon Saga door!
Elsewhere in Pannithor and Patch Adams has been working to get his Nightstalker Soul Flayers as close to the studio paint job as possible. The blending of colours is particularly good.
Moving away from Pannithor now and Paul Brizzi completed this Strider for Deadzone. The rusty Polaris Cannan ensure it looks like it has seen plenty of action.
Continuing our Deadzone theme - Mich Cie has been putting together a great-looking Veer-my Strike Team. His latest addition is a Nightmare. The yellow really pops against the rusty base.
There have been plenty of great Deadzone minis this month and we really liked this Alpha Simian by John Jack. The mighty ape has grabbed an unfortunate goblin sniper in its claws.
Finally from the community, we've got a Syphr striker from Kevin Haney - the winner on the online DreadBall tournament over the summer. Can't wait to see the rest of the team.
Thanks again to everyone for sharing their hobby projects. Spending a morning looking through pics of minis really is a great way to spend time at work.