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Competitive Flashpoint – The RC Teams for Sheffield UKTC

24th Mar 2025

Clive Stone

As you may be aware, the UK Tournament scene has really started to take off, and the UKTC (a long running events organiser) have taken Halo: Flashpoint and are putting on events throughout the year.  Our Rules Committee members, whilst toiling away behind on the scenes on balance updates, new rules and units, love to also get involved and play.

Early in April, the very first points tournament will be happening in Sheffield - and since the RC members are going along, we wanted to give you an insight to our Fireteams and to give you the chance to play against us, and obviously try and beat us!

First up is myself!

cleric team

I will be taking as a spare player:

  • Concussion Rifle JFO
  • Grenade Launcher Gungnir
  • HAZOPs with Spiker rifle
  • Deadeye with DMR
  • Plasma Launcher
  • 2 x Combat Knives
  • 1 Single Use Command Dice
  • Snap Shot Special Order
  • 1 Single use D8
  • 2 x Grappleshots
  • 1 x Thruster

This team provides me with enough killing power to take out almost anything in one round, even pesky JFO/Gungnirs and a lot of speed.  I also happen to love the new Deadeye from Fireteam Phoenix and couldn't resist including it.  The star of my team however in all my testing has been the trusty HAZOP...


dylan team

In my list for Sheffield’s Flashpoint event, I’m using:

  • Concussion Rifle JFO
  • Plasma Launcher Gungnir
  • MKVII with MA40
  • Grenade Launcher Gungnir
  • 2 x Grappleshots
  • 1 x Quantum Translocator
  • 1 x Combat Knife
  • Snap Shot
  • 1 x Energy Sword
  • A one-use extra D8 for my fireteam.

This is my preferred combination of Spartans as it gives me easy access to Tactician and Frag, two of my favourite abilities! This gives me a really well-rounded team that can play pretty much any mission, as it is mobile and extremely flexible.


ashley team

My list for Sheffield will feature 2 sword elites, this list wants to get up close and personal quickly.

  • Elite with Energy Sword
  • Elite with Energy Sword
  • Elite with Needler
  • Elite with Needler
  • Reinforcements Incoming
  • 2 x Energy Daggers
  • 1 x Grappleshot
  • Single Command Die for a round

So once again I will be running Elites, even though the Spartans have access to fun new cool toys. I'm looking for a challenge and hoping to prove the Elites are still competitive.

Tickets are still available if you want to come along and play against us - UKTC Tickets


Related Products

Halo: Flashpoint Spartan Edition

Halo: Flashpoint is the tactical miniatures game for two players. Begin your journey in the War Games combat arena as a Spartan fireteam commander, bringing a range of classic Halo weapons and game modes to life on your tabletop. Discover an exciting game that’s easy to learn, challenging to master, and rewards cool thinking under fire!

Will you lead a fireteam of Spartans to victory in the arena, or bring the alien might of Banished Elites to bear against your human opponents?

Choose a side and prepare for the ultimate tactical tabletop experience.


War Games Expansion Pack


Complete your Spartan training and fine-tune your fireteam for tactical excellence with the War Games expansion pack.

With points values listed for every miniature and weapons combination released so far, build custom fireteams that go far beyond the base game’s team drafting mechanic.

Get started with four additional Spartans equipped with Mark V [B] armour and new loadouts, including the Concussion Rifle and more.


HQ Halo: Flashpoint tournament Bravo (26th April 2025)

Join us on Saturday 26th April for four games of Halo: Flashpoint at the Mantic HQ store, the home of Mantic Games!

You must bring a copy of Halo: Flashpoint with you (either Recon or Spartan edition). Only official Halo; flashpoint models can be used in this event!

Your models do not need to be painted. However there will be a prize for best painted.

List building will be based off of the fireteam creation rules in the wargames expansion. Once this product is released we will add the selection rules to this listing and we will email attendees the tournament pack at the same time.

  • 4 Games of Halo: Flashpoint
  • Create a 200 Point team from the Wargames Expansion.
  • Prize Support
  • Lunch not included
  • Tuck shop available
  • FREE on-site parking
  • You won’t be sent a physical ticket, showing us the purchase confirmation is sufficient.
  • 193 Hempshill Ln, Bulwell, Nottingham NG6 8PF
  • If you purchase a ticket for this event and need to cancel your attendance please contact [email protected]. You will only receive a refund if you notify us more than 14 days prior to the event.
  • See below for the days timetable:
10.00amGame 1
11.45amGame 2
1.45pmGame 3
3.30pmGame 4
5.15pmPrize Giving
