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Deep Dive Into The Lore – Armada – Trident Realm Of Neritica

20th Feb 2023

Jonny Mann

Hey Jonny here, 

Today we delve into the oceans of Pannithor to learn a little more about the Trident Realm ahead of them casting sail into Armada!


Deep beneath the seas of the known world lies the Trident Realm – a triumvirate of glittering underwater kingdoms ruled by an aquatic race far beyond the ken of land-dwellers. Created during the God War by the Dark Smith, the Neriticans are as capricious as the vast oceans that surround them, in parts gentle and nurturing, in others spiteful and full of wrath. The great Kyron was a friend to all beasts of the land, air and sea.

When his dark side helped reform the beasts of the earth and sky, the Dark Smith had also turned his cruelty on those of the sea. Hideous magic and dark powers roiled the waters of the world and man and beast were fused in terrible pain. When the Lost were rescued by Brave Kyron, those of the sea fled to the dark depths of the oceans, sent away by their father to escape his brother’s evil curse. The beings that were now neither of land nor sea but a strange amalgam of both, hid themselves away in terror, not understanding what had become of them.

On The Seas

The kingdoms of the Trident Realm are capricious and warlike at the best of times, but they brook no transgression upon the oceans, which they see as exclusively their domain. In the eyes of the Neriticans, all ships that traverse the seas of Pannithor are trespassers, who reach port safely only because the Trident Realm permits it…

Of late, the ‘fishmen’ – as they are often called by ignorant land dwellers – have mobilised in greater numbers than ever before. Since the opening of Halpi’s Rift, the Trident Realm has been plagued by Abyssal incursions from below, while battles rage with ever greater frequency above. Roused to anger, the Neriticans now patrol their territory more vigorously and diligently, and their battle squadrons are known to attack naval fleets seemingly indiscriminately – although scholars believe that the Trident Kings know something that other races do not, and that perhaps there is a pattern to their attacks, albeit an obtuse one.

The first the enemy knows of a Trident Realm attack is the swelling of the ocean, followed by tumultuous, crashing waves. The seas appear almost to boil, as something rises from the bubbling depths. Then the foaming water parts, rolling from hard shells the size of small islands, or from tentacle-covered monstrosities that reach greedily for enemy vessels.

To fight the Trident Realm at sea is to fight the sea itself...

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Armada: Essentials Bundle

The Essentials Bundle is back, and makes starting Armada easier than ever!

Your life of adventure on the high seas of Pannithor starts here: the bundle contains the core rulebook, dice, counters, and a paper sea mat.

Where next? It’s time to nail your colours to the mast and choose a fleet! You can see them all right here on the webstore, or browse the growing collection of Armada STL files on the Mantic Vault.



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