Do you know a Mantic Hobby Hero?
19th Jan 2021
Rob Burman
Rob here, we all know that 2020 and the early part of 2021 has been tough… putting it politely. With various lockdowns, hardly any face-to-face gaming and no big events like GenCon, Adepticon and (the biggest event of them all) the Mantic Open Day, it’s been hard to get our hobby fix.
However, throughout this period we’ve mentioned numerous times on the blog and across social media how much the community spirit of Mantic fans has helped get us (and me personally) through some of those trying days. Heading online and following the progress of your hobby projects, or hearing reports about the stores that have managed to hand deliver products to those in lockdown has been an inspiration.
In fact, it’s been so much of an inspiration that we wanted to officially recognise those individuals that have gone above and beyond over the past 12 months. To give them a big thank you, not only from Mantic, but from the community members they have helped. With that in mind we’re delighted to announce the Mantic Hobby Hero award!

But what is a Mantic Hobby Hero? Well, it can be anyone that you feel has done something special for others over the past year to help keep them hobbying, despite the challenges of 2020. For example:
- perhaps a friend has set up a group of painters that hangs out every week chatting and painting over video chat?
- maybe you know a store employee that has ensured the shop stays open for click and collect or has even driven round to homes to deliver essential hobby supplies.
- or it’s a streamer that has kept you engaged with the hobby, even though you were unable to play some games.
In fact, it can really be any example of someone that you feel has worked hard to keep others involved with the hobby in 2020. I’ve seen loads of great examples of people going above and beyond throughout the past year, so hopefully it should be easy to find someone that you want to nominate. Obviously I’m obligated to vote for our lord and master, Ronnie Renton… but don’t tell him that Mantic staff can’t win :p
If you would like to nominate someone please email [email protected] with the following details:
- Who you would like to nominate
- Why you would like to nominate them
- Any other supporting evidence, like pictures
The closing date for entries is January 31st, 2021. We will announce the winners in February. Good luck everyone!
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone again for their help in keeping the community thriving throughout 2020 and into 2021. We’ve all been working hard to keep you entertained and busy here at Mantic – whether it’s with a new army project or a totally new game, with something like Armada – and we’ll keep on doing our best in 2021 too! I hope the feeling of community continues well beyond this difficult period and here at Mantic we will continue to encourage it for as long as possible!