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Global Campaign Finale: Doomsday – Part Two

18th Oct 2024

Dan Mapleston


2230hrs – Solar Day 278 – Tersia Prime – Orbit

Swarms of light craft rocket out from the spaceport’s open roof, the last desperate escapees from Tersia Prime. Behind them, another massive wave smashes through the security gate, flooding the launch area with a torrent of water—and hundreds of struggling Nightstalkers. Tentacles, claws, and eyeless faces thrash and writhe amid the surging waves, submerging the loading area as electrical machinery crackles and finally shorts out.

Across the world, the screams finally fall silent, and there is only the rush of water and the crash of waves as the last artificial lights fizzle out. The Nameless have laid claim to Tersia Prime, and the aquaforming has passed the point of no return. The revolutionaries may have lost their home, but the many greedy opportunists that came from across the stars will remain here forever -  a small consolation.

On Erika’s ship, a private corporate vessel now racing into the sky, Cell Nine slumps in relief and exhaustion. Still encased in their heavy exosuits, they leave a grim trail of water, blood, and engine grease on the plush blue carpet of what was once a lavish reception bay. They look around, baffled and disgusted at the opulence of the small craft.

It reeks of corporate decadence, the kind invariably built on the backs of millions of others just like them. They look wildly out of place here, dishevelled and battered. They’re just another group of unsung heroes, lucky to be alive. As the fighters begin to help each other out of the mechanical suits, she watches them with a sudden and involuntary smile. If they ever get out of this mess, she’s had an idea…

2300hrs – Solar Day 278 – Tersia System – Open Space

On the ‘Miner’s Pride’, an ore transporter, Blaine surveys the rebels with a cold eye. Most of them are shaken, but one Yndij stands out: pale, shivering, his once-vibrant skin now dull and clammy. Blaine leans toward Ector, his voice low.

“He needs to go.”

Ector frowns. "What?"

“His fear is a beacon. Get him out the airlock before the void-filth find us. Tell the other ships they need to do the same. Keep it quiet. No panic.”

Ector’s eyes darken, the awe he once held for Blaine slowly shifting to disgust. He spits on the deck, and glances back up with an angry whisper.

“That’s A’leor. He’s been fighting for Tersia since the beginning!’

Blaine simply meets his gaze, unblinking, a hand resting casually on the grip of his pistol.

The ship shudders, and the lights flicker. Blaine stands, ornate armour gleaming in the dim light, and moves toward the bridge. At the doorway he turns, gaze lingering on the trembling Yndij before locking eyes again with Ector.

“Make it happen.”

Moving up the corridor, Blaine catches sight of movement outside the observation port. Outside, three fleshy nightmare creatures glide alongside the ship, their movements smooth and deliberate. They are almost graceful, but Blaine’s stomach tightens as they suddenly swoop heavily against the hull, gaping mouths and teeth scratching hungrily at the pressure pane.

The lights flicker again—and this time, they go out.

2320hrs – Solar Day 278 – Tersia System – Open Space

In the cockpit of her own vessel, Erika watches in grim silence as the pilot tries to steer a course through the drifting Void Rays – which switch unpredictably between graceful flight and sudden bursts of violence.

Despite the danger, there’s still something oddly calming about the stark, utilitarian design of the crew area—no opulent frills here, just cold, honest metal. The little fleet of fourteen small ships sticks close together, but it’s clear they’ve all drawn attention. So many fearful souls aboard, and they’ve all seen too much.

A far larger, even more grotesque Void Ray is attacking a distant transport and she winces a little as the ship helplessly splits open, debris and flailing bodies spilling into the blackness of space. She closes her eyes, and gently grinds her teeth, trying to make peace with their fate.

A flash. Two flashes. Her eyes snap open.

Silent streaks of large-calibre fire are ripping through space. Hot, disintegrating chunks of Void Rays bounce heavily off starship hulls as the mysterious rounds tear into them. A powerful volley rips apart the largest creature in a violent display, but the crews can’t bring themselves to cheer yet.

An enormous battle cruiser has appeared, dwarfing them all. Its hull bears a huge corporate emblem, a line of white circular motifs. Erika’s heart skips a beat. She recognises that insignia, even that ship, but something’s not right.

The vessel’s name and GCPS docking number, normally marked in vast characters, has been defaced – the metal deliberately scorched black. She sinks down into the co-pilot’s chair, thoughts racing.

The ship’s speaker system crackles to life, a cold voice cutting through the tension.

“All survivors, lay down your weapons! Repeat, lay down your weapons. Prepare to be boarded.”

Erika looks up again at the massive cruiser and its obliterated markings. Old memories fire in her brain of half-whispered schemes in an officer’s mess, boastful dreams of drunken friends quickly hushed by comrades during shore leave, and as the pieces start to fall into place she doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Those idiots, she thinks. Those fools! They’d actually gone and done it…

*****TO BE CONTINUED IN 2025*****