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Faction Focus: New Forge Father Vehicles

28th Sep 2023

Dan Mapleston

The Forge Fathers have learned to harness the power of suns, created planet-sized machines, and perfected some of the most powerful and intricately engineered weapons of war in all creation. So it's no surprise they can bring such meticulous design and efficiency to their tanks. The masters of armoured warfare, the Forge Fathers deploy a wide array of vehicles on operations. 

Forge Father Gungnir Artillery Tank - 155 pts

The Gungnir Artillery Tank boasts a range of ammo types it can utilize, making it highly adaptable in battle. Able to fire both directly and indirectly, its long-range makes it a formidable tool in the arsenal of the Star Realm.

This array of missile options gives it great battlefield versatility, allowing it to take down other vehicles or suppress and deplete large infantry squads. The enemy would be foolish to think they are safe in the skies though, the Seeker missile option with the Anti Aircraft keyword allows it to negate the -1 to hit units with the Fly keyword and applies a pin marker.

Forge Father Knarr Assault Tank - 110 pts

The Knarr Assault Tank is a variant of the Sturnhammer that delivers frontline troops right to the heart of the enemy’s battle lines. The Knarr packs more of a punch than the Drakkar APC, with explosive grenade launchers and is designed to allow troops to swiftly engage.

Getting your troops up the battlefield quickly can be vital and with capacity (10) the Knarr can have 10 Steel Warriors or even a heavily armoured squad of 7 Forge Guard hammering at the enemies door within no time. What really makes the Knarr stand out over the Drakkar though is the ability for those transported units to assault right out of the Knarr without suffering from a hindered charge. 

Forge Father Karfi Command Tank - 110 pts

The Karfi is able to coordinate the orders and movement patterns of nearby friendly units, making their assault manoeuvres more efficient and deadly.

A Command Tank is a fairly vital piece of kit should you wish to take advantage of all it has to offer. As well as the obvious benefits of being Very Inspiring and gaining your force extra Command Points, they can also issue orders, the Karfi can issue Battle Orders, which allows vehicles within 12" to gain an extra 3" to their Advance and Sprint moves, making vehicles much more than stationary slabs of weaponry. The Karfi is also equipped with a shield and shield generator, meaning it can recover lost shields on a 6+, so it will be a hard tank for the enemy to shift. 


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A classic Forge Father formation – a pair of Sturnhammers combined with the Karfi command tank. The Karfi is able to coordinate the orders and movement patterns of nearby friendly units, making their assault manoeuvres more efficient and deadly.



Forge Father Gungnir Artillery Tank

The Gungnir Artillery Tank boasts a range of ammo types it can utilize, making it highly adaptable in battle. Able to fire both directly and indirectly, its long range makes it a formidable tool in the arsenal of the Star Realm.



Forge Father Knarr Assault Tank

The Knarr Assault Tank is a variant of the Sturnhammer that delivers frontline troops right to the heart of the enemy’s battle lines. The Knarr has more of a punch than the Drakkar APC, with explosive grenade launchers and is designed to allow troops to swiftly engage.


