Fight for the Rift Campaign Site Launched!
16th Aug 2021
Rob Burman
Today we're pleased to launch phase one of the special Fight for the Rift Campaign site. Just in case you've been hiding under the Halpi Mountains for the past few months, you'll know that from August 27th-30th we'll be hosting a massive global campaign for Kings of War. This is your chance to shape the future of Pannithor and decide who will claim the power of the Nexus. You can read a little more about the campaign here.
Today we are pleased to launch Phase One of the campaign site, ahead of a full launch next week for the campaign. Make sure you mark in your browsers, so you don't miss any developments. Thanks to Ciaran Morris of Fox Rise Design for creating the site.

At the moment, the site gives an overall introduction to Kings of War - useful if you want to encourage some mates to start playing.

You can also learn a little more about each faction too (don't worry, we're in the process of adding any missing ones). Each of these factions will be playable in the campaign, including theme lists like the Free Dwarfs and Sylvan Kin.

Of course, the really exciting section will be the campaign results. This is where you'll be able to follow the progress of the campaign and upload your battle outcomes. At the moment there's not a great deal there but you can mentally prepare yourself for it to be FULL of data. Just imagine all the graphs... go on, keep imagining.

For Kings of War, the campaign data will break down what factions are in control of the different planes of existence. You'll be able to choose what plane you want to fight on - or leave it to fate to decide by rolling a dice.

As well as Kings of War, you can also take part in the Fight for the Rift Campaign by playing Armada. In the run-up to the war in the Halpi Mountains, the seas around the region have become hotly contested by those factions with a naval presence. Whether they’re carrying reinforcements to the rift or resupplying their troops, dominance of the seas around the mountains could prove to be the difference between success and failure in the campaign.
There are four areas to chart your fleets: East Suan Seaboard, Cataract's Sound, South Bari Strait and Helswash. Just like the planes for Kings of War, you can choose which of these areas you want to play on.
We'll be kicking things off for the campaign with the Clash of the Clueless on August 24th. Ronnie will be attempting to get revenge for definitely 100% losing the Battle for Ravenswood last year after being defeated by Rob's goblins. We've managed to convince Ronnie to only play 2,000pts this time - so hopefully the live stream won't take an entire day! Although knowing Ronnie and Rob's grasp of the rules, even that could prove tricky.