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Free Faction Guides: Read All About It!

25th Apr 2024

Dan Mapleston

New releases for another Kings of War army means another fantastic FREE guide: lore, miniature galleries, building tips, tactics and behind-the-scenes insights await...

Start Collecting Guide: Trident Realm

Dive into our latest instalment in the series, which takes you beneath the waves to meet the warriors of the Trident Realm - one of the most original and diverse factions in fantasy wargaming.

Between water elementals, amphibian cavalry, and monsters of the deep, there's so much variety here to get stuck into. And that's before we mention the endless hobby potential for cool diorama multibases with sandy shores, swaying reeds, and water effects!

Anyway, we won't spoil all the cool articles and ideas you'll find within - just click HERE or on the front cover below:


Now, wouldn't it be great if we had these for some other factions as well...

More Start Collecting Guides

Now you've learned all about the warriors of the Trident Realm, you can dive into more brilliant guides for other Kings of War factions. Check them out below!

FREE Start Collecting Nightstalkers Guide

FREE Start Collecting Twilight Kin Guide

FREE Start Collecting Northern Alliance Guide

Next Steps

Once you find a faction that fires up your hobby imagination then it's time to get hands-on with some brilliant plastic miniatures in the form of an Ambush Set...or a Mega Army if you don't believe in doing things by halves!

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Related Products

Trident Realm Ambush Starter Set

The Trident Realm Ambush starter set is the perfect way to begin your Kings of War adventure.

Deep beneath the seas of the known world lies the Trident Realm – a triumvirate of glittering underwater kingdoms, ruled by an aquatic race far beyond the ken of land-dwellers. Created during the God War by the Dark Smith, the Neriticans are as capricious as the waterways they inhabit, in parts gentle and nurturing, in others spiteful and full of wrath.


Trident Realm Mega Army

Most Neriticans have lungs as well as gills and can march as well as any man. Eventually, however, they do have to return to their aquatic homes, and so Neriticans rarely have any interest in holding objectives or fortifying positions. They attack swiftly and decisively, sacking any settlement or stronghold that they see as a threat, before retreating back whence they came.

When the winds of war blow strong and sweep across the land, they stir the waters of the world and nervous eyes keep watch of the rising tide. Who knows what will emerge from the depths?


Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set

The Nightstalkers Ambush Starter Set is a great way to start your newest army. This set comes with 16 hard plastic models, including 10 miniatures which can be assembled as Reapers or Tormentors, and 6 miniatures which can be assembled as Butchers or Ravagers.

What are the Nightstalkers?

They lurk in the cold shadows of the world, and of the mind. The Nightstalkers are the fears of mortals come to life, born from the cosmic beyond. These shambling horrors now terrorize the land of Pannithor.


Nightstalker Mega Army

When the power of the Abyss waxes strong, large forces of Nightstalkers tear their way into reality. Mewling, skittering hordes advance, led by ancient cyclopean beings from the darkest depths of existence. Survivors of such attacks are rare and all who do escape lose their minds and souls forever.


Twilight Kin Ambush Starter Set

The Twilight Kin Ambush Set is the perfect way to start your twisted elven army in Kings of War. This Ambush starter set comes with enough models to make one regiment of Impalers as well as two troops or one regiment of Corsair Voidwalkers/Fleetwardens.

The Twilight Kin have developed a culture and mindset that has diverged drastically from the other elven kindreds. Though they share a common history, the Twilight Kin have deliberately cast aside the morality and compassion that endowed Elvenholme with much of its grandeur at the height of the kingdom’s power. In their ruthless drive to restore the glories of the past, the Twilight Kin have shed the very essence of that past.


Twilight Kin Mega Army

The scruples of elven character have been conditioned out of each and every member of the Twilight Kin. To become one of their dark cult, an elf must become hardened to torture and savagery. Initiates are tested continually to ensure their hearts have no sympathy for their victims – that no moral doubts will cause them to stray from their devotion to the Great Return.


Northern Alliance Ambush Starter Set

Despite their rougher appearance, the elves known as Ice Kin are every bit as graceful and swift as those of other kindreds. With sharp blades and sharper senses they fight to protect their newfound home, their winter attire doing little to stymie their elven celerity.

Many refugees from the Free Dwarf Clans have travelled north of late. Under threat of invasion and unwilling to join the Imperial Dwarfs, these outcasts are drawn to Chill, braving the harsh frozen wastes to reach sanctuary.

This fantastic Ambush starter set is the perfect way to begin your Kings of War adventure!


Northern Alliance Mega Army

The humans of the Northern Alliance come mostly from the northern clans who have sworn allegiance to Talannar, but they can come from many disparate lands. Of these, some are remnants of eastern tribes desolated by Varangur raids.

Others are refugees of wars to the south, or exiles from the numerous Kingdoms of Elves, Dwarfs and more. Whatever their heritage, each has found a home as part of the Alliance and will fight to their last breath to protect it.
