Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game & New Adventures
6th Jul 2023
Dan Mapleston
Hey everyone, Dan here. Today, we're talking about Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game, and looking at some new and upcoming adventures from our friends at Nightfall Games. Read on!
Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game
Immerse yourself in the realm of folklore and the paranormal with Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game. This 5E book contains everything you need to build adventures and explore the world of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy. Create your own B.P.R.D agents and take on the forces of evil!
You can find a brilliant bundle to get you started HERE - including the core book, a game screen and all the dice you need!

Now you've got your core essentials in place, there's also fresh and exciting new content available for the game from our friends at Nightfall Games. Check it all out below:
Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game - "Cannister Seven"
Cannister Seven is the first of a multipart campaign arc, The Korhonen Series, which will be released over the following months.
In this case file, the agents will encounter Russian Agents, German Vampires, and an army of Renfields. The agents have been tasked with securing one of the hideous wunderwaffe of the Reich, created as the Reich itself entered its final death throes.
Over the course of the adventure, the agents will travel around the world while they perform their primary objective of keeping humanity safe from the creatures of folklore and evil. They will have to face off against all manner of monsters and government agencies, battling vampires, demons, fae, Nazis, UFOs, and government bureaucracy in equal measure.

In 1946, the Russian military was photographed recovering debris from an unusual Nazi rocket launched as an attempted sour grapes attack by remnants of the Nazi regime. This rocket was, according to BPRD records, part of a project using weaponized vampires as a biological weapon.
While it is unknown whether any vampires were captured by the Soviets it is almost certain that the weaponized pathogen was recovered. Now after sixty years of back-channel negotiation, the SSS has agreed to trade four active samples of the virus, along with the remains of the recovered rocket, for a pair of Russian grimoires and an East German case file from 1948.
Your team is to attend a clandestine meeting with the SSS and make the trade. The trade is to take place in Berlin, and you’ve got three days to get there. Your first stop will be a safehouse on Wörther Str. The safehouse is above the St Michael English language bookstore which is a friendly site currently holding the grimoires in its safe. If you need to hole up for a night, you can return there and use the safehouse but, when possible, leave quickly.
The Russian agents will be waiting for you at a time and address waiting for you with the books. Identify yourselves with the codename "Jericho." Get the samples and get stateside ASAP.
Download your copy >HERE<
Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game - "The Wet Werewolf"
The Wet Werewolf is the second of a multipart campaign arc, The Korhonen Series.
After the epic confrontations of Cannister Seven, the Agents' handler has flagged the team for some light duties and behold the heavens have smiled upon you. This casefile has all the hallmarks of a perfect working vacation. A rain of fish is always worth investigating, but is usually just a matter of recording witness statements and arranging for the waste management teams to do a tidy up. It's very rare that anything ever turns up, even when there are some locals with minor injuries. And the handler couldn’t have chosen a better spot. The town has been recently audited with next to no occult threats recorded, a bunch of five-star B&B reviews and fresh insider agency knowledge on the best places to get an after-hours pint. But alas there’s a catch. Demonic forces are on the march couch and raiding the fridge! Pacts have been signed and deals have been struck. Petty feuds will reach a crescendo as the agents face the fury of… The Wet Werewolf.

Sixteen hours ago, the Bavarian town of Gunzenhausen has had a strange phenomenon, a rain of fish. And not just river fish, all manner of fish both fresh and salt water. Three people were injured: a woman in a car crash, a man fell off his bicycle, and another man got stabbed by a swordfish. A local reported it as suspicious to the state police, who took one look at it and called the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (FOPC). They apparently have investigative jurisdiction as witchcraft is considered espionage and is against the Grundgesetz (German constitution). Luckily, a friend in Cologne (the HQ of the FOPC) was able to get this channelled our way before the locals started a brand-new round of witch hunts.
Get in there, figure out what caused it, see if it needs stopped. Whatever you do, don’t let the tabloids get involved. Initial research will have to done on the fly. The town’s 50km from Nuremburg airport, and your flight leaves in an hour. When you arrive, it’ll be after dark. A hotel will be ready if you don’t want to visit the hospital straight away.
Download your copy >HERE<
COMING SOON: The Witches
From Baba Yaga to Igor Bromhead, Legendary Foes: The Witches is 30 pages of famous witches and their most maniacal minions. The first expansion for the Hellboy bestiary, ’The Witches' covers all the named witches in the Hellboy canon along with their familiars, mortal partners and one very special demonic master. Whether you’re looking for the serpents and owls of Hecate or the ogre’s of Nimue’s army of blood, this supplement has ample foes to face off against even the hardiest agents.

Well that's all exciting stuff! Keep an eye on the Hellboy RPG store >HERE< for this upcoming new release.