Northern Alliance Pre-Orders Are Now Live!
6th Jun 2023
Jonny Mann
Hey, Jonny here, Northern expert and melancholy poetry fan.
I am super excited ("Can't hold it back anymore") to see the Northern Alliance get a whole new unit of stunning Ravens! And that's not all - we have a whole host of fantastic new releases available to Pre-Order right now...
The humans of the Northern Alliance come mostly from the northern clans who have sworn allegiance to Talannar, but they can come from many disparate lands. Of these, some are remnants of eastern tribes desolated by Varangur raids.
Others are refugees of wars to the south, or exiles from the numerous Kingdoms of Elves, Dwarfs and more. Whatever their heritage, each has found a home as part of the Alliance and will fight to their last breath to protect it.
Many refugees from the Free Dwarf clans have travelled north of late. Under threat of invasion and unwilling to join the Imperial Dwarfs, these outcasts are drawn to Chill, braving the harsh frozen wastes to reach sanctuary and fight alongside the armies of the Alliance...on frickin' Ravens!
Frostclaw Rider Regiments
Free Dwarf Raven-masters are known to set out to subdue the most cunning of the giant mountain ravens of Abkhazla and Halpi, their rangers capturing and taming the best of those found in the wild or capturing the eggs they may raise the birds from hatchlings (probably safer).
These stunning new hard plastic kits are an absolute must for those looking to rain "ice grenades" from down from above!
Man, that's so Raven.
Ice Kin Hunter / Half-Elf Berserker Regiment
The Ice Kin are more rugged than their southern brethren. They dress in thick (apple bottom jeans and boots with the...)* furs and leather, the delicate fabrics worn by the other elves not being suited to the lands of the north. Half-Elves are almost universally treated as outcasts within the realms of Elvenholme. Conversely, they are often seen by humans as enigmatic and desirable. More impetuous and hotblooded than their elven kin, they struggle with their dual heritage, constantly fighting internal battles to retain control.
Only the Ice Kin, backed by the understanding of Talannar for their plight, are willing to take these unfortunate beings in, helping them to temper their anger and focus it on the field of battle for a good and worthy cause.
*Artistic license may be at play here.
This is another incredible new hard plastic sprue, giving you lots of variations and options to build either Ice Kin Hunters or Half-Elf Berserkers. Look out in the coming weeks for some ice-cool videos taking a closer look at these new sprues.
Northern Alliance Ambush Starter Set
So you've seen the Frostclaws, you've seen the Ice Kin and want a piece of the action? Or maybe you are an existing player who doesn't want to be left out in the cold?
Well with the Ambush game format going from strength to strength, you can now Pre-Order the Northern Alliance Set, get playing Ambush and save yourself some money along the way. Being thrifty is second nature to us tight-fisted Northerners, so this set is an absolute dream.
You'll get both of the new hard plastic units (Frostclaw Riders and the Icekin Hunters/Half-Elf Berserkers dual-build kit), plus the Ambush quick start guide and rules!
Northern Alliance Mega Army
If you're already convinced, skip the Ambush and take advantage of the new Mega Army for the best value faction set of the lot!
The forces of Talannar’s alliance are hardy, veteran warriors. They're as cold as ice, willing to sacrifice*, and have years of experience surviving and fighting in the harshest of conditions. They are beautiful models, a faction offering plenty of variety both in and beyond this set, and perfect for anyone that likes to bring a bit of everything to the table.
*See what we did there?

Northern Alliance Army
What if you want a set somewhere in between? Well, chill out - we've got that covered too, with the cool new Northern Alliance Army.
Ice Blades are unrivalled blade masters with astonishing balance and acuity. Many souls have found death on the edge of an Ice Blade’s cold swords. The greatest of the half-elf berserkers are supreme warriors, elevated to levels seemingly impossible for any mortal.
Northern Alliance Heroes
So, you've been planning a Northern Alliance Army and late at night, you toss and turn and dream of what you need...
Kings of War: Ice and Shadow 2-Player Starter Set
During the Abyssal Dwarf invasion of Chill, they bought with them wicked contraptions of Twilight Kin making known as void-cages. These devices, once opened, create rips in the fabric of reality and connect the mortal world to the Void, birthing Nightstalker horrors into reality.
Talk about having no Chill, right?
Relive the battle for Chill, as the Nightstalker's presence threatens to turn the tide in the favour of evil. This is the perfect set to start your adventures into Kings Of War, and have a friend champing at the bit to start a force from the stunning new Nightstalker hard plastics.