Kings of War Armada: Faction Guide!
20th Jan 2022
Rob Burman

Thanks to Chris Cowburn for putting this guide together.

Basileans can heal damage quicker than other races thanks to their unique options. It's probably best to close with the enemy as quickly as possible, unleash point blank broadsides, and then repair while you turn around for another pass. Boarding actions should only be attempted if you have the superior crew strength and are confident you can finish the ship off quickly.

Orcs are intent on one thing and one thing only - destruction. They are equally adept at this whether it's through shooting or boarding actions. Their unique upgrades can enhance either, or both, meaning a ship that gets too close will definitely be in a worse state following the engagement.

Dwarfs are probably the 'jack of all trades, master of none'. They have decent shooting, decent boarding action abilities and can repair quickly too. They can also significantly boost their boarding action effectiveness by taking The Berserker Captain - Gruffydd Egilax. They don't have a squadron available, nor a standard Large ship, but their support ships are probably the most unique in the game. They can also be the most forgiving fleet to use for a new starter, thanks to everything having Advanced Engines.

The Empire of Dust are more a shooting oriented fleet, and their Large and XL vessels boast destructive Broadside batteries. They also have numerous ways of setting enemy ships ablaze thanks to Balefire, Lightning Bolts and Fire Oil, which will cause your opponent to drastically change their plans. While their Crew Strength might be slightly below other fleets, the Curse of Undeath can swing the fight back in your favour, but you probably don't want to stay grappled for too long, unless it's the Khopeshii.

Twilight Kin sail under a Shroud, offering additional protection from the enemy's warning and ranging shots. A lot of their damage will be dealt while close to the enemy thanks to the amount of Close Quarter weapons available. These can unleash a devastating volley, ready to soften up the targets before the deadly Blade Dancers are unleashed onto the decks of the enemy ships. Nothing will stop the Twilight Kin from inflicting agony and torment on enemy captains, and they have a unique upgrade allowing them to grapple enemy ships travelling at Full Speed.

The Elves act on water the same way they do on land - with grace. Their Masters of the Waves ability allows them to quickly outmanoeuvre the enemy. They are probably best staying out of boarding actions unless they have superior crew strength though. Instead concentrate on sailing into point blank range and delivering a point blank broadside before sailing past the ship. Adding Thrennian Sea Guard to the crew can add extra defence against enemy boarding attacks, just in case you're facing a foe that likes to get up close and personal.