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Kings of War – Staff Army Update

10th Aug 2023

Martin Thirlwell

Hello, Martin here!

As we start to build up to a truly epic summer of Kings of War, the staff here at Mantic have been busy squirrelling away at their own projects! Even Ronnie has painted some new miniatures!! So without further ado let's see who has been doing what....

Ronnie - Dwarfs and Frostclaw Ravens

Ronnie has been hard at work adding units to his ever expanding dwarf army. Ronnie has become a dab hand at the glue down first and paint what you can see technique, and I think you will all agree the results are superb!

Ronnie was extremely keen to get his Ravens completed in time for the Shadowed Horizons Campaign, that starts in September. Something BIG is happening at HQ on the Friday before the tournament starts... so check back tomorrow to find out all the juicy rum-soaked information!

Dan - Ratkin

I’ve made a start on my Ratkin ambush box, and naturally had to begin with the Night Terror. This was a fun model to build and paint, and it was easy to angle the claws to have it clambering over some rocks. Then I did a unit of spear warriors, and this really shows why multibasing just works. Very few fantasy units visually make sense in perfectly-spaced ranks and files – it just looks wrong. Multibasing looks great, and avoids the tedium of unit removal and the slow pace of moving up individual models in formation. A closely-packed, feral mass of troops just looks great.

I’m not a very skilled painter, so I prefer to focus on a look and feel to my units. I wanted a desaturated mix of colours and dirty steel, with some little flashes of green and bronze to catch the eye. Overall I’m happy with how they’re shaping up and now have Warriors, Nightmares and Tunnel Runners built, undercoated and waiting for their turn!

Martin - Ogres


With Steve and the gang taking up the reins of running Clash of Kings this year, i jumped at the chance to play as a member of the community, not as a staff member. As such, and very typically me, I decide to do a new army to celebrate the occasion. As a life-long Nightstalker player I decided to give the Ogres a shot and become a lifelong Ogre player.... I was so impressed with the new plastics from 2022 that it seemed an obvious choice!

So here is my progress so far. Heavy on the chariots, heavy on the heroes and just enough infantry! I have a couple of Siege Breaker hordes, a couple of Warrior regiments and a regiment of Warriors on Chariots still to paint!

I'm sure I'll get it finished in time. It's fine. I'm sure its fine... totally fine.....



Elliott - Empire of Dust

After finishing my ambush set of dusty corpses and playing a few small point battles, I started to get a feel for the slow-skellies. Having played Salamanders and Riftforged Orcs as my previous armies, I was really unused to the restricted movement. That was until I realised how hardy fearless units are, and what crazy utility Surge has when controlling the battlefield.

From the get-go I knew I wanted Enslaved Guardians - the move to a bigger scale resin really makes these models shine (such good casts!), so I have a pile waiting to be painted.

I've always loved conversion, so in my collection I have a few pieces: My Revenant Champion is the crew member from the Balefire Catapult combined with a spear arm, the Cursed Pharoah has an infantry axe (as my sword broke after a fight and loss with gravity), I've made a cav stand in for a Wings of the Honeymaze upgrade using random wings that have been roughed-up and finally the ever popular Murderbirds as Scavenger stand ins.

After bolstering the Cavalry and adding an Idol of Shobik I think next I'll move onto Chariots. Lots of Chariots. Like, 140 points for a Chariot regiment. Chariots.

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An empire of dust.
