Mantic FrantiCon 2020 – Dark Sphere – 6th – 8th March
8th Oct 2019
Martin Thirlwell
Hi Martin here. Pathfinder extraordinaire Ben Edwards has written a blog to give you all a detailed overview of FrantiCon 2020. Over to you Ben!

Some people have only heard whispers of the legends of Mantic FrantiCon, others have glimpsed upon its sublime wonders but have been unable to attend in the past. But there is a third group. A special group. These are the lucky souls who have heard, seen and experienced Mantic gaming nirvana. If you’re a fan of Mantic’s games (and it would be odd if you’re aren’t, because this is the Mantic Blog…) then read on below and get excited for next year.
Mantic FrantiCon is the largest and most exciting Mantic convention in the world. Organised in partnership between Mantic Games and the Frantic Gamers podcast and held at Dark Sphere Megastore in Shepherds Bush, London, the sole aim is to create the best event experience possible for players to revel in the Mantic Games ecosystem. With 78 attendees, MFC 2019 saw five events covering Kings of War, Deadzone, Warpath: Firefight and DreadBall over a single, amazing weekend.

After receiving incredible survey feedback from attendees afterwards, we thought we’d make Mantic FrantiCon 2020 bigger, better and way more awesome! This blog is to give you an overview of 2020, and there will be additional posts in the run up showing off goodie bag loot, sponsors, prizes, event details and more! And if you don’t have much time, the TLDR is MORE days, MORE events, MORE Early Bird gift choice, MORE time and MORE sponsors!

The FrantiCon crew started discussing this pretty much immediately after MFC2019. Not only did we want to revel in more of Mantic’s games, we had an idea for a different, super special activity (more on that later). A lot of attendees turned up on the Friday anyway so we thought we would take the opportunity to add an extra day!
As if five wasn’t enough, Mantic FrantiCon 2020 will have an epic seven events to choose from over the course of the three days! On the Kings of War 3rd Edition front we have the Kings of Herts @ FrantiCon doubles on the Saturday and ranked singles on Sunday with Erit Bellum II.
For Deadzone we have Desolation I singles on Saturday and a yet-to-be-named doubles tournament on Sunday (although we are toying with allowing players with 2x200pts lists to play as a single-person team as well!).
We also have the DreadBall UK National Championship 2020, but this time the DreadBall will be split over Friday and Saturday evenings.
With the success of Kings of War: Vanguard we thought the game definitely deserved a slot in the line-up, so in that comes on Friday.
And finally, miniature painter extraordinaire Juan Hidalgo will be running his first Painting Masterclass on the Friday as well! There will only be 20 spaces available for the masterclass, so if you’re keen then make sure you book! Both of the Friday events will have late starts (around midday) to give players ample time to walk, drive, fly or swim their way to the venue in the morning.
Last year we were able to offer the amazing Early Bird deal of any DreadBall team, Deadzone starter box or Warpath vehicle. This year we pulled out all the stops and have been able to make it even better. With an Early Bird ticket at Mantic FrantiCon 2020 you can choose (subject to stock availability) from ANY Deadzone starter set, ANY Vanguard starter set, ANY Warpath vehicle ANY new DreadBall team or ANY large terrain crate! Make sure you don’t miss out - the Early Bird is only available until 23:59 on Saturday 30th November.
One of the key learnings we took from both our experience and the Survey Monkey feedback of MFC2019 was that people wanted a little more time to chill out and catch up with friends. We certainly succeeded in making an action-packed weekend but it might have been a little too action packed! The main reason we will be splitting DreadBall over two days is to allow more time per DreadBall game and so massively reduce the pressure, particularly on new or inexperienced players. This has the knock on effect of enabling us to go a tad later with the daytime events, as well as leave more time for evening feasting before the face-smashingly good DreadBall fun starts.
We have new sponsors in the line-up for MFC2020. Instar produce high quality miniature paints and receive glowing reviews from the painters that have tried their range. Even more excitingly, they are releasing a line of truly unique paints later this year - Alpha. As thin as water but with the coverage of old Foundation paints, we were all incredibly excited. Not only will they be providing the paints for Juan’s Painting Masterclass, bundles of their paints will be prizes available too!
For more information on the event sponsors, the goodie bags and lots more news - visit the event Facebook page!

The moral of the story: you should absolutely come to Mantic FrantiCon 2020. We look forward to seeing you there!
Tickets are available NOW - just use this link!