Mantic Hobby Heroes: Steve Hildrew and Andy Burdis
9th Mar 2021
Rob Burman
Welcome back to another of our thrilling Hobby Heroes updates. This is a chance for us (and you) to say a big thank you to people in the Mantic community that have helped you get through, what we can all agree, has been a pretty tough year!

In yesterday’s blog, we awarded our first Hobby Heroes accolades to Matt Ramsden, from The Pit Gaming Store, and Mike Adkins, the man behind the website. Our next two awards both have something in common because they’re both internet CELEBRITIES and were among the most popular choices from the 100s of nominations we had.
So, without further ado, let’s crown two more heroes!
It’s safe to say that Steve has become a well known face among the Kings of War community. His YouTube channel, Death by Dragons, has become a fantastic community resource – whether you’re a total newcomer to Kings of War, or a grizzled veteran that wants the latest updates.
In fact, Steve must be doing something right because he’s recently celebrated gaining 1,000 subscribers for his channel and he launched a pretty awesome competition to celebrate. Steve’s regular community updates – particularly during lockdown – are a real highlight and it’s always a great way to keep abreast of what’s going on in the world of KoW.
Here’s what some of you had to say about Steve:
“His community updates and other content are really good for the health of the community, reminding us that there are others out there sharing our passion.”
“His videos have kept me entertained throughout various lockdown and he just comes across as such a nice chap. He has maintained a steady output of content that is both informative and fun, especially the recent videos regarding getting into KOW and now the faction breakdowns.”
“I would like to Nominate Steve Hildrew, he has done many hobby updates over the last year, doing his bit to keep us all connected.”
“He is constantly creating awesome YouTube content about Kings of War/Mantic and he's such a positive person to interact with.”
Well done to Steve and here’s to your next 1,000 subscribers!
Our next YouTuber is Andy Burdis from Blackjack Legacy. Andy blasted on the scene in 2016 with his coverage of The Walking Dead: All Out War. Since then he has branched out into wider hobby coverage, but his Monday live streams and Wednesday Hobby Hangouts have become indispensable for his followers. Since 2016 his channel has grown to 12.3k subscribers (catch up Steve) and his hobby content continues to grow in quality.
Throughout his YouTube journey, Andy has also come up with some great community projects, like the slow grow Kings of War challenge and he recently launched a DreadBall team painting initiative. All of these helped to keep the community engaged and give them something to look forward to each week, even when couldn't take part in face-to-face gaming.
Let’s have a look at what you had to say about Andy:
“He has been a powerhouse of positive energy and community communication throughout the lock downs. You just need to look at his Facebook group and YouTube channel to see the videos and hangouts that have kept me and hundreds of others entertained and sane.”
“Personally, I look forward to his live streams as a time that I can sit down and assemble miniatures, or paint them, modify them, do something in regards to miniature wargaming. The camaraderie that he instils in those that watch his live streams and his videos is invaluable and inspiring. I know I am not the only one who feels that way, as evidenced by all those that tune into his live streams and talk and banter about.”
“Having the live streams and the challenges have helped to keep me going with my hobby and the videos with the new stuff like Armada has got me keen to get into a new game.”
“Without his unfailing enthusiasm and infectious positivity, my Mantic lockdown experience would have been immeasurably poorer.”
A big congratulations to Steve and Andy. Keep up the great work and here’s to more fantastic videos throughout 2021 and beyond!
Tune in tomorrow for some more Hobby Heroes winners.