Mantic Hobby Resolutions 2021: Part One!
5th Jan 2021
Rob Burman
Hey everyone, it's Rob here and the start of New Year means only one thing: ridiculous resolutions that you have absolutely no intention of actually keeping. Therefore, in time honoured tradition, over the next few days a select handful of brave Mantic staff members will be spelling out their hobby resolutions for 2021. Then next year you can all laugh at how ambitious and ridiculously hopeful our plans were.
For 2021 my resolution is to paint more gobli... actually, it's not goblin-related.

That's right, 2021 has only just begun and this is probably the most shocking development of the year. A quick review of my image history the other day, showed that in 2020 I painted about 300 goblins. That's quite a lot of goblins, even for me - especially as the year before I'd painted a similar amount. So, for my 2021 resolution I've decided to turn my hobby attentions to sci-fi.
In December, I started painting a new Strike Team for Deadzone. After previously painting Marauders, Nameless, Veer-myn, Rebs, Forge Fathers and Asterians, I thought the Enforcers should probably get some love.

I'm pretty happy with the results so far and have now (foolishly perhaps, considering all that edge highlighting) decided to do a full Firefight army. There are 'reasons' for doing a Firefight force, all of which will become clear later in 2021. Anyway, I'm looking forward to painting some of those jetbikes and the awesome Interceptor!
The other resolution is to finally paint up some Deadzone terrain. Mainly because I'm fed up of using this...

My eight-year-old son has recently taken up Deadzone (it's one game all between me and him so far) and I'd love to have a really cool Deadzone table to inspire him to play more. At the moment, it's all a bit grey, so I'd like to get it all painted up. I'm also going to need a LOT more to really create a claustrophobic atmosphere. Not sure what scheme to go for, but that's my next goal after the Enforcers.
Both of these goals seem fairly achievable and once those are done, I'll probably end up painting more goblins. After all, Ronnie wants a rematch for the big battle we did in 2020 because he, weirdly, thinks he won?! We'll be back tomorrow with another ridiculously hopefully Mantic hobby resolution!