Mantic Monday – Community Spotlight
6th Jun 2022
Jonny Mann
Welcome to Mantic Monday!
Every Monday we will bring you exclusive video content, behind the scenes peaks at the day to day of Mantic HQ, all your hobby and gaming tips, plus an array of exciting and engaging content from all the Mantic game systems and universes.
Let us know if there’s something you would like to see!
Ronnie received some fantastic and wholesome content last week!
"The guy from my gaming group that came to Adepticon a few years back, Mark, got his 6 year old into Deadzone.
He got this homework back from the school this week.
Art class, a poem, and a writing assignment.
This kid is hooked. And from what I hear, he's pretty good. Gamer for life"

Whenever we, here in the office need a pick me up, we will look upon this poem for motivation.

Take a look at this superb accompanying drawing that Guillermo did, we'll have to keep his details for when he is old enough to do freelance artwork for our rulebooks!

We hope you found this wholesome content as brilliant and rewarding as we at Mantic HQ did.
We look forward to seeing what Guillermo gets up to next and hope he continues to enjoy playing Deadzone and other great games.