Mantic Painting Guides
25th Mar 2020
Rob Burman

Hey there everyone - hope you're making the most of the isolation. It's been great to see so many of you sharing your hobby projects and the Mantic staff have been busy with their own hobby too.
Ronnie's even been busy with his dwarfs and is planning a mega battle once things return to normal.
So, we thought that with so many of you taking the time to finish off that army that's been nagging at you, or perhaps even start that project that's been hiding under the bed, we would have a handy painting guide to help get your started.
Erm... well that wasn't quite what we expected. Look, if you want to paint your minis better than that clown, then check out some of our highlighted videos below. Plus, read right to the end for an Army Painter restock update.
We've actually got loads of videos on the Mantic YouTube channel, featuring London's finest, Matt Mountain. There are tips for finishing off your models and full walkthroughs to paint particular minis.
Also, you'll find videos on things like Zenithal Highlighting, which will definitely help speed up your army painting.
Way back from 2015, there's also a great video aimed at beginners. This will give you some very basic tips to get your miniatures ready for the tabletop.
Over at Next Level Painting, Kenny has done quite a few painting guides for various Mantic miniatures, including Hellboy and bigger monsters, like the Nightstalker Shadowhulk.
He also has handy videos for various hobby 'hacks', like this one for basing your minis.
Finally there are more advanced videos for things like glazing, if you really want to take your miniature painting up a notch.
Award-winning painter James Wappel has LOADS of great painting guides over on his YouTube channel and has recently uploaded one featuring the Dwarf Steel Juggernaut.
For all you Hellboy fans, there's also a great video on getting red skintones just right. Something that will probably come in handy for Kings of War players with a Forces of the Abyss army.
We'll be covering more of Luke's videos in tomorrow's blog about multibasing for Kings of War, but he's also got some great painting tips too. We know that for a lot of people, the thought of painting an entire army can be daunting, so Luke has some useful advice to getting your army done quickly.
If you're looking for some inspiration for your Forces of the Abyss, Hero of the Table has a good series on painting a Forces of the Abyss warband for Vanguard.
If you're a fan of TerrainCrate there are plenty of handy videos to painting the various elements of the range. Whether it's bookcases or torture equipment, you'll find something to help.
Below are just a few more handy videos that we've stumbled across on YouTube. There's bound to be something here to help with your hobbying.
We've recently had a massive Army Painter restock on the website, including some new items, like the fantastic wet palette.

If you need a few hobby supplies for the lockdown, then we're continuing to ship from the UK warehouse (taking plenty of precautions for staff, of course). You can browse the Army Painter range here.