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Message from Ronnie and get your Mantic Companion code here!

1st Nov 2022

Martin Thirlwell

Hey all, Ronnie here. 

So, as October ends and November begins , I hope a few very exciting things have happened…. 

The first is now you all have your super sexy, Big Red Kings of War rule book - the one book to rule them all! It is the first time that all the rules for all the armies have been in one place.

With it being a mid-edition refresh, and offering brand new ways to play (Legendary and Ambush) AND trying to minimise book carrying we finally went ahead and added the Unchartered Armies into the main rule book.

We love that you have perhaps come over from another game system – and you got to keep your old army for a while – and so far that transition to having a Mantic version is taking a somewhat sedate pace (7 years and counting!!! 😊) You will see that with the Twilight Kin we are really pushing and evolving the development of the Pannithor story. This is an easy task when there have been no predecessors, Trident Realm for example, but much harder when we visit classic tropes, such as the bad elves. Now because our thinking was so radical for TK we opted to take them from the book, so no one else started a new army with the old bad elves and then realised their army didn't align well with the new TK.

We expect we will be adopting this approach with one army per year. We will of course also be focusing on developing our established armies which will be more evolution rather than revolution in completing every unit entry in the list. Please do remember though that if Mantic haven’t made models for an army previously then we absolutely reserve the right to take the army in whichever and whatever direction we think is cool!

I’m hoping you have gotten to see the new Ogres! Oh my…not only now with big juicy legs, but also fantastic detail and brilliant cutting on the moulds to make the best army I think we have ever done.

Alongside the new plastic troops and chariots we have converted any metal into resin – and wow – there is detail we had forgotten was on there!

This army is very much the future template for all the Kings of War armies we make. The core units in plastic to give you the vast majority of your army at a great price and then a few premium units and champions and one-offs miniatures in resin.  If you fancy a new army, with not too many models to paint, and everyone one of them gorgeous as hell...well maybe start here?

Ambush – more on this later – but it's our belief that the hardest thing about recruiting new gamers into Kings of War is getting over that initial hump of getting to a painted force. Hence our brand new Ambush rules, which allow you to start playing games with just a few units and scale up as you build your army. With the Ambush rules freely available (and some very reasonably priced Ambush sets coming in January!) we hope we can really bring lots of new faces and players into the Kings of War community and see it growing again like it was before the pandemic. As always, your help and support here will be greatly appreciated!  

And finally, I hope you have been reading all about the Mantic Companion and are as excited as I am! All last week we have been looking at the various parts of what's been built already, and shared our thoughts about what is coming down the line.

I want to thank you for reading and engaging with what we are doing and your support in maintaining and growing a global game like KoW. I’ve been on social media and reading the feedback and everyone's thoughts. Largely it’s been very positively received! It's been brilliant to see how excited everyone is for the Companion, and how useful it will be, and the many ways it can be used to help all the Mantic games grow and recruit.

But don't take my word for it...if you haven't watched it yet, Kyle's video explains the how, what and why the Mantic Companion is worth a click...

Oh, and it wouldn’t be Mantic with a little treat...

The Mantic Companion goes live today. No one actually has to choose if they want to pay or stay on the free option because we are giving EVERYONE not one, not two but up to three FREE months to try out the app (so go get your friends to play Ambush!). We expect a few teething issues with an undertaking this size, so please bear with us – but we have given ourselves a long runway to make it great, and give everyone plenty of time to give it a go and feedback their thoughts.

To get your free months simply type the following code when registering. This will give you free access to all of the Companion until 31st January 2023 - so the sooner you do it - the longer you get!

Nothing and no one will be charged until the end of January - so plenty of time to tweak you sub - or pick a different option before then too.


We looked at special minis for subscribers, but it was just one challenge to far right now. We will get round to those and have them ready for the anniversary of the app! Sorry, leaked it!

However, over the next 3 months we will be listening in to ensure it works for everyone. We still have exciting plans for continuing to develop the Companion, which we will share over the Christmas holiday blogs. We will make sure that by the end of Jan the app will have options for all our gamers… from casual gamer - to hard core Kings of War fanatics - to tournament players - and all in between!

And if all that hasn’t got you super excited – then check out our super spooky Halloween Hellboy Bonanza that started yesterday, check in for the Mantic Open Day this weekend - and perhaps even more exciting look out for our War on Trees soon after that!

Speak soon, please watch out for the first of our new Terrain vids – they are a real tree-t!!! (say whhaaaaat? Ed)  😊 


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