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Midweek Round-Up 12th January

12th Jan 2022

Jonny Mann

Welcome to the Midweek Round-Up.

This is the new place to find all the best content from in and around the community over the last week.

We kick things off this week with an absolutely incredible conversion with a stunning paint job to match! Chris Walsh created his Abyssal Dwarf Hellfane using the Supreme Ironcaster on Great Winged Halfbreed and a lot of green stuff and hard work.

Gonders has done fantastic with this Ogre Berserker Bully, and there's some great depth in the painting. Really makes you want to start an Ogre army doesn't it?!

Wargames Illustrated has posted a great tutorial on it YouTube channel to learn how to detail and weather your own Interceptor. This great photo combines our Interceptor with Stargrave Models from our friends over at NorthStar.


Agents Of Sigmar have made a couple of great videos playing and discussing their thoughts on Overdrive! As expected, they love it!



Joe Neet (who's that guy?) made great work of the Kings Of War 3rd edition Diorama featuring Northern Alliance Clarion and the Nightstalker Dream Hunter. If only the Baltimore Ravens had been as good as Joe's diorama this season... Joe will get the reference, we're sure.

Alexandra Denise Wassermann has been working on some Deadzone scenery and the weathering is sublime! They have some really great videos over on their Youtube to inspire you fellow scenery fans!

Another brilliant watch over on YouTube this week, AngryJoe, OtherJoe, Alex & Ray battle each other in Deadzone 3rd Edition. Watch as the Veer-myn menace overwhelm AJ & OJ, do they survive? Find out here!

If all this has inspired you to pick up a paintbrush, our store and gaming hall is back open after Elvis' well earnt break, the opening times going forward are as follows:

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 2pm – 10pm
Saturday: 9am – 5pm
Sunday: Closed
you can follow this handy guide to getting the tram, or use the trusty SatNav. Either way though, dont forget to follow us on TikTok!

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The once irregular update, will now be regularly coming to you every Wednesday, so keep your eyes peeled! And if you want to make sure we spot your great work, use the hashtag #MyMantic when posting on social media.

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Original price was: £50.00.Current price is: £25.00.