Midweek Round-Up – 20th April
20th Apr 2022
Jonny Mann
Hello and welcome to the Midweek Round-Up.
This is the Number One place to find all the best hobby content from in and around the Mantic community over the last week or so. See what your fellow painters have been up to, or even see if you have been featured! Find the latest videos from around the hobby and most importantly… get inspired to pick up that paintbrush.
Who said you can't teach an old dog new games?
Mathew Wright and his adorable gaming companion started to learn Deadzone this week, we hope you had a great time! Hopefully your furry friend didn't get too jealous when you started telling the D.O.G. Drone what a good boy it was.
Well that's one way to overcome a raging hoard of zombies!
David's Death Engine is taking no prisoners with this fantastic dioramic base. "Hang on a minute? Isn't the Death Engine a Kings of War mini! Why's it on a round base?" Don't worry, imaginary blog reader, we haven't lost our minds and switched to round bases for KoW. The Death Engine is actually one of the unit entries for the Veer-myn in Firefight!
Andy over at BlackJack Legacy put together a great video on how to build the Enforcers from the Firefight 2 player starter set.
Once you have built your Enforcers from the starter set, you'll want to get your self a Strider!
Joshua has done a lovely job on this Ajax Siege Strider!
Here's a great video going through some of the rules and factions from Firefight.
We love the paint job on Marijn's Asterian phantom, note the great bit of graffiti on the base work.