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Midweek Round-Up – 25th May

25th May 2022

Jonny Mann

It's that time again!

Hello and welcome to the Midweek Round-Up.

This is the Number One place to find all the best hobby content from in and around the Mantic community over the last week or so. See what your fellow painters have been up to, or even see if you have been featured! Find the latest videos from around the hobby and most importantly… get inspired to pick up that paintbrush.

Firstly, before we just into the spectacular miniatures you've all been painting lately, a few announcements that hopefully are of interest to you! 

Northern Kings GT

"Northern Kings GT is a 2 day Kings of War tournament on the 18th and 18th June in Ossett, West Yorkshire. 5 games, 2300 points, a relaxed atmosphere and great food (mmmm... Yorkshire Pudding wraps)*. We're even feeding you on the Saturday evening at the (in)famous Northern Kings Pub Quiz!"

"One lucky raffle winner at the event will be walking away with a 6x4 battlemat from our sponsor, Deep Cut Studios, and the full set of terrain to go with it!"
"To note that this is a raffle prize, not for the overall winner. No matter your ability, you stand a good chance walking away from the event holding a complete gaming setup!"
Also up for grabs are some great items from Army Painter and a ticket to the UK Clash of Kings event!!
* I'm busy that weekend, there are Mantic goodies for whomever brings this Yorkshireman a wrap! 

Counter Charge Army Challenge

Our friends over on the Counter Charge Podcast are launching a Mantic Army Challenge!

The idea being to paint Mantic miniatures every month till the end of the year at which point you'll have a fully painted army. These "slow-Grow" challenges are a great way to keep motivated when it come to painting and a way to push your fellow hobbyists with inspiration and encouragement!

-Starts June 1

-2100 completed by Dec 31.

-Min of 1 scoring unit per month.

-Use Mantic models where available.

-90% Mantic models 

Check out the Podcast to find out more! 

On with the show, and what a way to kick it off!

What happens when you cross a Giant with a Dragon? You get a masterpiece! 

We saw a few weeks ago how William had done a lovely job on Karadon and now we can see his whole collection from the Overdrive core game plus extras, is complete and looking fab!

Some people couldn't organise a p**s up in a brewery but the folks of the Blue City Brawl managed to organise a Kings Of War teams tournament in one!

Really taking "Beer and Pretzels" to a new level!

(We do hope there were pretzels)

We really like the grimy look to these Hammerfist Drop Troops! Jared always seems to do a great job of making models look battle hardy. 

More now for you fans of Deadzone and Firefight

Jason's Plague Strider is looking equally grimy and fantastic as the previous post! 

The models above need somewhere to battle over though right? 

Well Mat Green has them covered! 

We love the poster details on these Sci-Fi TerrainCrate sets

Be sure to check in again next week.
The Midweek Round-Up will be coming to you every Wednesday!
And if you want to make sure we spot your great work, use the hashtag #MyMantic when posting on social media.


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OverDrive: The Board Game

Overdrive is the Sports Combat Game set in the Warpath Universe!

It’s time to hit the arena, Coach! Draft your team and get ready to face-off in one of six different action-packed game modes. Pass the bomb, capture the flag or fight to become king of the hill – but knowing when to unleash your players’ powerful OverDrive move will be key to coming out on top. Whatever you do, don’t go down without a fight!

Original price was: £50.00.Current price is: £25.00.

Armada: 2-Player Starter Set

The Armada Two Player Starter Set is the perfect place to start your journey onto the seas of Pannithor. Inside you’ll find everything you need for two-players to start their own fleet of courageous Basileans or marauding orcs, along with a rulebook, tokens, ship cards and a paper gaming mat. The fight for the oceans is about to begin!
