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Midweek Round-Up 15th December

15th Dec 2021

Jonny Mann

Welcome to the Midweek Round-Up.

This is the new place to find all the best content from in and around the Mantic community over the last week.

To kick us off Mantic's US Sales Extraordinaire, Kyle Przelenski showed off his phenomenal Pizza Jesus themed Basilean Army recently. This army was painted with love by a number of members from the community and presented to Kyle in honour of the late great Jesse Cornwell AKA Pizza Jesus. Jesse was a corner-Stone of the Kings Of War community, wonderful human being and dear friend of Kyle.

We think you'll all agree the army is a fitting and touching tribute.

These Ghekkotah Skylord']s have been painted by Jeff Franz and look fantastic, we love the effort that has gone into the basing. Along with the Scorchwing Regiment, the Ghekkotah Skylord is this year's hottest gift! (sorry).

Sticking with Kings Of War and flyers, we have this cheeky chap from Mike Ford. The Goblin Winggit is full of character and is not only fun to paint but a master of the skies and a must have for any Goblin force, be that Kings Of War, Vanguard or even tiny little ones in Armada

It's great to see that plenty of people are starting to get out to tournaments and gaming clubs lately. Julien Debord took this action shot at the "King's of Muton noir" tournament in France. The event spanned two days, featuring 26 players playing 2,300 point games. What a stunning building to call your home for two days of great gaming.

The latest episode of Counter Charge gives a great insight into what its like to play at a Kings Of War event and why you should definitely get involved! Click here To listen

Nightstalkers? More like NOPEstalkers.

Hopefully Dominik Simmerl has a large opaque box to keep these Nighstalkers in at night, they truly are a thing of nightmares and also a thing of beauty. A really great use of fluorescent paints. Very well done!

Meanwhile, on the high seas of Pannithor, Carl Newbould and friends played a huge game of Armada for their club's Christmas party. As you can see, multiples of the neoprene Deluxe Gaming Mat can be joined up to create a much larger gaming space.

With Deadzone still very much hot of the press, we see a lot of you are getting stuck into painting your Strike Team or creating lots of stunning scenery.

Karl Rigby has done a fantastic job on these sections of Sci-Fi TerrainCrate. Those hazard stripes are perfect. If Ronnie ever gets his all built he might be after some tips.

Well, folks, there's nothing in The Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere, like a genuine, bona fide, electrified, six-car monorail!

This wonderful Deadzone board looks like a real fun place to wage war with you friends. Its creator Chris Thomas says "It comes recommended by North Haverbrook, Ogdenville and Springfield!" And, what a minute, is that a Squid Game reference in there too? It's a melting pot of pop culture references.

Giorgos Sachpazidi gave this Marauder Commando Captain a vibrant red coat for winter. Whilst Barosz Smogurt did some great work on these Forge Father Thorgarims. 

The once irregular update, will now be regularly coming to you every Wednesday, so keep your eyes peeled! And if you want to make sure we spot your great work, use the hashtag #MyMantic when posting on social media.

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Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £7.99.