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Motivation Monday – Community Spotlight – Mich Cie

27th Dec 2021

Jonny Mann

Hello and welcome to Motivation Monday!

This series of blogs will delve into the wonderful Mantic fanbase to find stories and interviews with some of the most well-known and loved members of our community, with the hope and intention of inspiring the rest of us to dust of those sprues, pick up that brush or take the leap into a new game.

Today we speak to … Mich Cie

Hi, my name is Michal and I am 39 and I am from the South of Poland. I started collecting and gaming with miniatures when I was about 12 and have not stopped since. I have played dozens of games and built a lot of teams, armies, warbands and fleets. Having tried lots of systems I settled several years ago when I found Kings of War. This was around when 2nd edition was released. It took me and my friend a year to build an Abyssal Dwarf and Dwarf army each and play. We started a series of local events shortly after. Then we co-organized (and still do) Polish KoW Nationals. A series of 6-8 events a year to determine the Polish National Champion. I won twice and during limited playing time during COVID, finished 2nd and 3rd, which is a great experience as I always was a tournament/competition driven player and hobbyist.

What is your favourite Mantic game and why?

I now play Kings of War as my main fantasy game and Deadzone as my main sci-fi game. I do play some historical games too, but Mantic games are my main area of interest. I also have two Vanguard warbands and have both Star Saga and Dungeon Saga that I play with my kids. My Orc fleet for Armada is closer and closer to being finished and I hope to get in a few games soon as well.

Why do I play Mantic games? I like when decisions at the table decide who is a better player not “pre-game” preparations or legal tricks. Mantic games are the best example I know of an “easy to learn, hard to master” style game. I can paint models and enjoy the strategic and tactical part of gaming, with rules that do not interfere with the game.

What is your favourite faction or army and why?

I have two Kings Of War armies: Abyssal Dwarfs (built before the new amazing plastic and resin minis were released) as I always wanted bad dwarfs! I also have Trident Realms, which is my main army. Trident Realms are very unique. Nothing is normal about this list, units profiles are weird, it lacks specific tools and has strange looking models. Amazing army! Not easy to play because it's very synergetic, but it's very rewarding.

For Deadzone – Veer-myn and Nameless. When I saw the Veer-myn minis for the first time I was mesmerized. I do not know what it is about them but they are my go-to team. They are amazing plastics with great possibilities, very characteristic game play and a wide range of options. I also have Nameless which I also love, partly because they check the same boxes as my Trident Realm: different, and a bit weird. Synergetic and are a 'control' type of army, with less options but just a bit more synergies than Veer-myn.

Do you have a favourite mini?

If I had to choose I would say The Greater Water Elemental and Dambuster for Kings Of War and the Bathomite and Psychotroid for Nameless in Deadzone. I also really like Veer-myn Tunneller, it is amazing and in my opinion is the best sci-fi vehicle I have ever seen!

What’s on your hobby desk at the moment?

I paint to play. If there is a cool list idea I paint it. I have a Coral Giant (Mantic giants converted with Mantic tentacles from the new Haunted Manor set) on my desk at the moment. I also have a gunslinger and rifleman for my Nameless and one last piece of Deadzone terrain left to paint.

And finally and opportunity to plug your local club, events or anything you’d like.

Sure. We did not have a store in Poland selling Mantic for a LONG time. Luckily there is one now! Minibitwa is a store that has a full range of Mantic games and supports our KoW Nationals and any Mantic event we do (like Deadzone). They are very community oriented and highly recommended. Having a store that supports games is HUGE for a hobby and community growth.

A great insight into your hobby Mich, thanks for sharing. Check back next Monday for great another instalment.


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