Painters of Pannithor – September Update!
24th Sep 2020
Rob Burman
Today we've got an update on the Painters of Pannithor - the brave soles that collectively agreed to have their hobby progress monitored via the eyes of the blog! You can check out the previous updates here and here! So, without further ado, let's see what they've been up too...
Steve Evans
Right then, next up I decided to carry on using the Scarecrow sprues but this time to make two regiments of Spectres. Painting-wise I went simple and used washes to give them a ghostly look.
After now completing four infantry regiments, I thought it was time for something special. For this I went for the first of my Hellboy: The Board Game models - a giant Caterpillar, which I’m going to use as a Void Lurker. Now I wasn’t sure how to go with this painting wise as I wanted it to be pretty wacky being a Nightstalker. In the end I went for the classic danger colours. Black and yellow for the body with a ghostly looking outer leafy section, crazy ah.
Well that is it for now, cheers, Steve.
Matthew Temple
One of the things that I enjoy about creating a new army is the way the themes and inspirations can change over time and evolve in an almost organic way. I attempted to create a cool underground diorama for all the units, and it failed. So now on to plan B.
My original idea was to create a southwest underground mine theme. Instead I am going to do a southwestern desert theme. I spent a fair amount of my youth living in the deserts of Arizona. I graduated from high school in Kingman Arizona, home of the Bulldogs, with our school colors being Blue and Yellow. If there is one army that has cool Bulldogs, it would be Dwarfs. So Blue, Yellow and desert landscape is how this army is going to look.
The first three complete units are Mantic Dwarf Cannons. I have refrained from gluing the barrel to the carriages so that I can also use them as organ guns.
Steve Forster
Hi again! Progress has been slow since my last post. My goal for this post was to have the Krudger on Winged Slasher assembled and primed and to have a regiment of Gore Riders completed. I was able to complete a test model and 3 Gores. The Winged Slasher has been scrubbed, but still is in pieces and awaiting primer.
As I am known to do, I succumbed to “hobby ADD” and began painting some pieces to complete me ever-growing Goblin army. I recently picked up the Mantic Goblin Heroes (King, Wiz, and Flaggit) and a pair of Winggits. Nearly all of my Goblin lists include a King with the Jareth’s Pendant and at least 1 Wiz and I really liked the character of the original Mantic heroes. The King and Wiz have been completed.
The Winggits have received much of my focus over the past several days. I absolutely love these models, they are so deliciously ramshackle and Goblin-esque. Being very complex, I decided to paint the Winggits in parts, (chassis, the wings, the fins, and Goblin crew).
One Winggit has been completed, and the second is very close to completion, should be another solid night of painting to get it finished. I’ve also ordered several Mantic Mincers to flush out my Mincer-heavy list that I have been running on UB. Due to the nationwide delay in USPS delivery, I have yet to receive them.
My plan is to have all of the Mincers assembled and ready for paint by my next post. Until then, stay safe and healthy and take care!
Jeff Franz
I have successfully moved to Eastern Maryland. I have not dipped a brush into the paint pot in two weeks. Today was the day to get back at it. So, let me tell you one thing, always check your unit’s base sizes.
I checked and rechecked what multi bases I needed for this project. I made them, painted them, and then based miniatures on them…. forgot that Molochs were Monstrous infantry and not Large infantry. I based my Molochs on a 80x120, needless to say there was more basing to do!
I thought about remaking a new base. I also considered adding 15mm to each side and 20mm to the front. Was on the fence…. but went with adding extra base parts. Mostly because all my basing materials are packed somewhere, yet unidentifiable.
Updated and ready for the imps and Unit commander, just as soon as I find my box of miniatures in storage. The next model I started up is the Abyssal Fiend. Work in progress:
Originally, I had the Abyssal critter's hair green… then painted the torch standard bearer’s torch with a green flame. The hair and flame clashed. Changed back to my original color scheme by painting the hair, purple while maintaining the flames as green. Think it’s going to look cool.
Joe Neet
As a treat to myself, I stepped away from painting the rank and file. This week’s update will focus on one of two Generals on Winged Beasts! Lucky for me I had two of the old Elven Dragon Lords kicking about and with a simple head swap figured they would make perfect stand ins for my Winged Beasts.
With the Kingdoms of Men Winged Beasts being on 50mm bases, this smaller version of a dragon was ideal. Red seemed like the perfect complement to not only my armies blue primary color, but also the rich yellow brown of the bases.
Only one more regiment of Spears and the final General on Winged beast and this detachment will be ready to join the remainder of my Kingdoms of Men!
Daniel Cammack
I have not had as much time to paint due to work, but I did manage to finish a Brood-Mother and night terror. By the next update, I hope to have my first actual units done completely (a horde of nightmares and regiment of Scurriers) since they are already over 50% completed!
The process for these is quick and fun. 1) Base coats of Vallejo metal color mixed with various inks and flesh ink through the airbrush. 2) Inks shot from below and selectively elsewhere for the shadows. 3) Black oil wash to define the different parts and give it a grimy, realistic look. 4) Edge highlight the armor and pick out the details like eyes, claws, and glow.
Kasey Brian
Back again for our third update! I can say I am happy with the progress. I am a little behind what I originally planned, but even still the army is growing, and units are being completed. A regiment of men at arms is nearly complete, and I have started base coating my Ogre Palace Guards! I have also completed the painting on two bases, that I really like the look of. The bases have come out the exactly the way I had envisioned them to.
My next step in the project is to work on two hordes of Palace Guard, and possibly the other regiment of Men at arms. Although I am going to work on whatever keeps me engaged and working on the project. I cannot wait to put these guys on the table, and I am feeling good that I have a well-balanced set of units. Until next time!
Felix Castro
This month started off a lot like last month, working on bases and my half painted Blacksouls staring at me wondering why I was not finishing them.
"Oi mistah! Why won’t you finish us?"
Pushing the shame of unfinished models down deep into my pit of self-loathing, I eventually settled down into a trick I have learned over the years when I have fallen into a rut of army painting. Normally I try to paint the units first, then reward myself with painting a hero model. However, with my motivation flagging, I needed anything to get positive momentum. And nothing rewards that positive mojo like a finished model, so ta-da! My Abyssal Half Breed Champion.
Motivation restored for the now, I began to work more on my Lesser Obsidian Golems horde. The mega army box comes with 3 of golems but Dan Cammack (also of this hobby blog) hooked me up with a 4th, giving me enough to at least (mostly) fill up a horde base. So big shout out to Dan!
Was trying to get the fiery lava effects in the cracks of the golems. I think I did ok. It was not the greatest fire effects I have ever done but guess what? It worked. And I will take that.
So here are some pictures of the finished golems horde. Is it my finest paint job ever? No. Was I 100% motivated all month to paint? Also, no, but darn it, the unit is done and that is a small victory in my book. And when it comes to hobby time, it is all about the small victories in painting.
"Paint your Blacksouls, Felix!!!!" * Sigh *, fine I will work on them…
Brad Jimenez
Hello again folks! This project has been trucking along nicely! As I said in my previous post I got two great weapon warrior hordes done and my fleabags as well. No, I didn't paint the warlock as of yet, but I did get to start on a display board!
With these great weapon warriors, I decided to make them all swords or all axes. The unit leader would be 1) the middle model and 2) have a different weapon equipped than his team, axe horde with sword leader and sword horde with axe leader.
And now for something completely different! My fleabag riders had to be in theme with the Deep Ogres' theme. So, I painted them in a grey with a brown wash to represent deep gnomes. I had some fun painting the shields with bones in different places. Maybe it is because these gnomes are highly individualistic in my mind. With the mounts I wanted to go with the quasi albinism route that I tried to go with on the mammoth (earlier post) but I felt that a splash of color was in order.
This unit I had fun with (maybe it is because of the different color palette). The unit also comes with a cavern entrance on the multi base. This one I had to make out of EPS foam though as I did not have a 3d print available to use. Foam is rather fragile, so I had to paint it with a base coat of varnish and black paint mixed.
This is the start of my display board. I used EPS foam blocks and cut striations into it. Afterwards I used some canned foam to form some irregularity to the piece. Next step on this is to use spackle/filler to fill in gaps. Next post should have the warlock painted up, a horde of boomers, and continued progress on the display board. See you next time!
Michael Pearcy
While making progress on my models, I have had a lot of fun compiling their background story and bringing life to my characters. Below are the names and a short passage that goes into the story of this new force.
Astalia Soulflayer - Summoner Crone
Wraki Soulflayer - Soulbane
Yosha - Mindscreech
TBD - Cronebound Archfiend
Fluff that I added for Astalia and Yosha:
Astalia gasped for air, wiping beading sweat from her brow with the back of a blood caked hand. The ritual had sapped her strength, and she looked up through eyes rendered wholly black by the new energy that she wielded. A creature hovered above her, gazing down with an uncaring eye nestled in slick grey-green flesh. A half dozen mouths gnashed across the creature’s shifting form, and an immense, exposed brain was visible inside of a frame of chitinous plating.
<…What would you ask of me, mortal.>
“I ask” Astalia hissed through clenched teeth “for your name. I ask for your strength.”
<…My strength is yours to command. My name would shatter your consciousness.>
Astalia could feel the probing in her mind as the creature communicated, as if the tentacles that floated beneath it were forcing their way into her brain.
“You underestimate my kind, Old One. Is there a name by which mortals know you?”
<…Yoshaotlitl Kaiox'kasz Ctabr'ithist.>
“Wow, that seems… unwieldy. I think I will call you Yosha.”
Jonathan Faulkes
Yikes - where did that month go? My last blog entry finished with one miniature painted. This month sees the abyssal dwarf ranks swell with a regiments worth of decimators finished and a troop of half-breeds built. Another regiment of decimators have had their red metallic armor finished and I have started on my bases.
Talking of bases…
I like to experiment with basing materials. I have used wooden discs and sticks (my Goblins), snow effects (Varangur) and rose sandstone colored flagstones (Empire of Dust). My abyssal dwarfs needed a grey tone base with a green spot color to really make the reds and turquoise “pop”. Volcanic bases are standard fair for ADs, and I wanted something similar but not quite the same. I watched a great video by Midwinter Minis, where he used coffee grinds to make “cracked earth” bases. As an avid coffee drinker, I set about following his method (I added PVA glue to make the material more robust) and achieved this look after quick dry brush with grey and white.
The crater will be filled with bright green “sludge”, made with clear acrylic sealant mixed with fluorescent paint and the final touch will be some Geek Gaming basing material. With a good headwind and perhaps fewer distractions (my Varangur horde is now finished) I should be able to show a completed unit or two on the next blog post!
Matthew Snow
So, time for a little update on the hobby.
The Mantic Elf force is completed. 71 models painted based and fully done.
This little force had a few hobby firsts for me in my hobby life, firstly using contrast paints on an entire army and secondly using color shift paints to paint weapons and shields.
As for the color choices I have made, I had imagined the seafaring elves would not use metallic amour as metal and salt water do not mix very well, and leather armor and equipment would be more serviceable. The weapons and shields I imagined were made from sea steel, whatever that maybe, and carried some aspects of the sea it came from. The captain's (elf king's) sabre toothed hunting cat I imagined as being the ships cat for keeping vermin at bay.
So, what is next, well something smelly and a whole lot deader. Stay tuned folks!
Benjamin Stoddard
This month got away from me and with other projects that I am working on I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. The only unit that I finished was my Horror Riftweaver, which I am modeling as the "leader" of my Nightstalkers as he represents the anchor for my army in this world as they latch onto his feelings of guilt and anger at the atrocity that was visited on his village years ago. They feed his anger, keeping the faces of his former friends and family constantly fresh in his mind by having doppelgangers parade their faces before him on a daily basis, keeping him in a constant state of delusion that only adds confusion and dismay to the powerful cocktail of emotions that causes him to shine like a beacon to the denizens of the other realms where the Nightstalkers come from.
For the model, I took 3 of the Nightstalker Horrors, and to switch one of them up, I took the head from one of the Shadowhounds from my big army box and swapped that out for the regular Horror head, with a little green stuff you wouldn't even know!
For the center of the model, I took the epic Mortibris from Dungeon Saga and placed him at the forefront to represent the beleaguered mayor of the ruined town. This was done to give the suggestion that the Horrors were whispering in his ear and driving his emotions ever deeper and more extreme as they drag him deeper and deeper into madness.