Road to Deadzone: Third Edition – Nick’s Veer-myn
4th Nov 2021
Rob Burman
Hello again, Nick here with an update on the Veer-myn strike team. Last time I posted an update I was in the process of assembling the Veer-myn from the 2 player starter set and the Claw Pack starter.
At the time of the last article, the model wasn’t available. However, I did manage to get hold of one of the early casts of the Pack Leader... a lot of begging and pleading was required, but it was worth it! I had a lot of fun assembling them and painting them up. I added a little extra height to the model with some additional rocks on the base and some additional pollution. Yes, it'll make me easier to hit... but rule of cool, right?

For the paint scheme I wanted a scavenged and corroded feel to the armour. So I painted it silver and shaded the recesses with Vallejo Verdigris. Once this was dry I used a drybrush of Bright Bronze mixed with silver. And some lighter highlights with more silver mixed in.
I really think this model is amazing and makes a great centrepiece for the team. Speaking of the rest of the team, it was time to finish off the Night Crawlers, Malignuses (Malignatodes?) and Nightmares. I used some Pollyfilla (other brands are available, dear reader) to make some corrosive slime on the base. This has then been picked out in some very bright green to give it that bubbling radioactive feel.

With these finished, I’ve now completed my initial Strike Team. This comes to around 147 points (only taking three of each of the Stalkers and Crawlers), so I've got room to add one smoke grenade... as Rob keeps telling me they're pretty important for Veer-myn. Here's my EasyArmy list...

Painting these was a lot of fun, the detail on the minis are great. I’m looking forward to playing some games!
The next bits I’m planning to add to this force are some Brood Guard, I think the models look amazing they are available in the Brood Matriarch booster.