Road to Third Edition: Martin’s Nightstalkers
25th Sep 2019
Martin Thirlwell
Hey, Martin here. To continue on from Rob's amazing Goblin post last week, I wanted to give you all an update on where I am with my Nightstalker Army build, as part of the Road to Third Edition.
It's fair to say I've been pretty busy. I have been truly caught up in army building this year and seeing it develop over the months and get it to the tipping point of being a usable force is such a rewarding experience.
To date I have around 3,300 points TER (by Third Edition Reckoning) and have even had time to put together a few hobby projects to fill in any gaps for miniatures we haven't done... yet.
Here is my completed army so far...
- Butcher Fleshripper - Hero
- Horror - Hero
- Shade - Hero
- Banshee - Hero
- Reaper Souldrinker - Hero
- Void Lurker - Titan
- Portal of Despair - Titan
- Terror - Titan
- Shadow-hulk - Titan
- Mind-screech - Monster
- Fiends - Regiment
- 2 x Butchers - Hordes
- Phantoms - Regiment
- Shadowhounds - Regiment
- 2 x Spectres - Troops (as a regiment it makes the full list legal)
- 2 x Reapers - Troops
- Scarecrows - Legion
- Bloodworms - Regiment
- Soulflayers - Regiment
My thinking behind my army was rather simple. Just build and paint as much as possible then I can pick and choose what I want to play :) . I knew I wanted to have the big Titans in there, so they were what I painted first - from there it has just spiralled and I am rather happy with how everything has turned out.
It's not just about painting though as Rob and I managed to find the time for a 1,000 point game recently (my first of 3rd edition). Even with his hordes of Spitters I was able to close the space and get stuck in due to the Stealthy rule. Once up close the Butchers and Reapers were able to do a fair chunk of damage and win the day!
Those observant readers may have noticed the Soulflayers on my list above? Well, these are the new name for Nightmares (because let's face it, I have enough of those already) and have a slightly updated profile..
This unit was one of my hobby builds. The Studio had some amazing concept artwork for me to use as inspiration so I used some Wraiths, hollowed out the cloak area and used hot water to mould them around the back of the Undead Cavalry. I know the cavalry have two of their legs missing, but what is a couple of absent hooves between friends...?
Would I leave you without something to discuss dear reader? No chance....
....which Nightstalker units do you think have access to the Screamshard upgrade? Answers on a postcard to R. Renton - Mantic HQ.
I mentioned earlier about being caught up in army building... well so much so that I have just started my second army for 2019. The Basileans! I've started with one of the hero models (Jullius) and I'm going with a Roman Empire/Fire colour scheme and I have just begun building five regiments of Men at Arms.
I really can't wait for the Phoenix to be launched in December! If i get it to 0.000005% as good as Angel's (see below) I will be happy.
Cheers for reading, see you at Clash!