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Ronnie’s BIG February 2025 Update

26th Feb 2025

Ronnie Renton

Hi everyone,

Ronnie here, with just a quick update about our February Board Game Month, which is well underway, and a few dates you might want to add to your diary for updates on all other things Mantic!

Christmas Board Games Already?

If you want to be super smug in October/November, then get ahead of the crowd and sort your Christmas now!

Our gaming advent calendar Kickstarter is now live – and this year we are adding both Worms and The Walking Dead to our growing roster of festive fun.

The campaign will get you either the 2 new calendars, or a super ‘all-in’ option with an extra treat 😉 (and singles will be available later in the year as normal).

Come and check it out, by clicking through HERE.

Board Game Month

Board game month is blistering along – so if you fancy a board game crazy box (with guaranteed board games and 50%+ saving of MSRP) then click HERE.

ronnie crazy box

And just to double down on the new season of Invincible being released on Amazon Prime, and of course Mantic being your friendly gaming company, all orders over £50 placed during Feb can get a half-price copy of the Invincible Dice Game! Just add it in your basket and the website will sort it at checkout.

invincible dice game product shot

Or, spend £100 and get a FREE Dungeon Saga Origins Dice Game!

dungeon saga origins dice game contents

AND, if you missed (the award-winning!) Worms: The Board Game first time round, it's just coming back into stock after selling out - and you can secure a copy HERE.

worms the board game first place award best boardgame contents

What else you got, Renton? Glad you asked!

This month also sees the release of affordable, high quality gaming mats, available from both our independent stockists and direct from Mantic HERE (and remember that they'll count towards a discounted or free dice game to play on your nice new mat!).

blog tc mats combined

There are also a few sets focused around the various trees available in the Terrain Crate range – perfect for Wargames, dioramas and RPGs!

tc2 fantasy forest colour shot web

Halo: Flashpoint - Spartans & Shows

After totally selling out of the first print run, Halo: Flashpoint starter sets are back in stock, just ahead of AdeptiCon (US) /Salute (UK) and the rest of the show season. You can see what we're up to at AdeptiCon HERE.

Speaking of shows, we have some very exciting specials that will be launching there, and be some of the first to get your hands on the new Spartan releases...

Yep, you read that right - we have some very exciting limited edition 2025 Halo: Flashpoint Show Specials and the chance to find out what the mysterious Wave 3 of releases will involve!

Kings of War: Champions - To Be Revealed Soon

And for our Fantasy fans – we have Kings of War: Champions coming up very soon – where heroes become Legends!

kings of war champions logo 2

Rob Burman – the goblin king himself – and our very own Andy Burdis will be heading this one up, and they will be sharing their plans for this wonderful skirmish level game through late March and into April ahead of its release later that month.

Watch this space for more info on this very exciting new game in Pannithor, or visit us at one of our many shows, where no doubt I might leak everything anyway...

What's Next

Wait, there's more?!?! Oh yes - these are just some of the amazing plans we have in the pipeline.

In March, I'll be back with a timeline of everything we still have planned for Halo: Flashpoint in 2025, and then later for the Warpath Universe and Pannithor.

As a team, our aim this year is recruiting lots of new players into the Mantic ethos of making tabletop wargaming fun!

Finally, thank you for being involved in making Mantic the fun gaming company it is, and we are very excited to share with you what we have planned for the months and years ahead.

Keep rolling (exploding) 8s!

ronnie sig