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Something Is Waiting In Ambush…

14th Dec 2022

Jonny Mann

Like any good ambush, the surprise is just around the corner!

Ambush is a great new way to play Kings of War at a smaller points level whilst retaining that same fantastic Kings of War gaming experience!

Ambush is perfect for introducing new players to the wonderful world of Pannithor, and is the ideal place to start your Kings Of War journey or even get a taste of a faction before committing to the Army or Mega Army deal!

Seeing two massive armies lining up to face each other across the battlefield is truly epic, and there aren’t many games out there able to recreate that sensation! However, getting to that stage is no mean feat. Getting over 2000 points ready can be a task almost as epic as playing the game itself. And this is the true strength of the Ambush rules and starter sets!


The benefit of Ambush is by lowering the points needed to play, you don’t have to paint up a huge amount of models to get your army ready for those tabletop battles! You and your friends can start slow and build up your force over time, and even support each other through painting challenges and gaming days!

You can see how to build an Ambush list in this previous article:

How To Build An Ambush Army – Kings Of War

The rules for Ambush are available in the new Rulebook and in the Mantic Companion App . Those hobbyists that already have some Mantic models in their pile of grey shame (editors note - Pile of Opportunity) can get started straight away! But for those that are itching to start playing Kings Of War for the first time, we are releasing some great new Starter Sets!

Ambush Starter Sets

Designed to give new or existing players everything they need to get started playing Ambush, these great new sets contain an Ambush army, Quick-Start rules and an instruction guide to help those new to the hobby build their first of hopefully many incredible Mantic miniatures.

The initial release in January 2023 will see SIX brand new Starter Sets hitting the shelves, so there will be plenty of choice from the start! We want to grow the number of Kings of War players and introduce as many people to this wonderful game and community as possible! The new Ambush sets contain not only everything you need to play, but are also incredible value.

Pre-Order on our webstore start this coming Friday and can be ordered NOW via your FLGS. The sets will be hitting the shelves in mid-January! 

Be sure to check the Mantic Blog in the new year for a whole week of Ambush content leading to the release! 

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Also included in this bumper collection are all new ways to play – ‘Ambush’ small scale games, ‘Legendary’ huge games and everyone’s favourite spectacle – ‘Siege’!


This Book contains all the rules from the Third Edition Rulebook, Uncharted Empires and the changes introduced in Clash of Kings 2022. It also includes all the updates and erratas for those books and combines them into one tome.

In addition, the Rules committee have been hard at work to deliver the changes we’d normally see in a Clash of Kings book.


