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The Kings of War FAQ and Errata

14th Nov 2022

Martin Thirlwell

Hey everyone, Kyle here to talk about the Kings of War Compendium FAQ & Errata. We now have an incredible tool that allows us to keep everyone updated immediately and we want the Mantic Companion to be the one true source for correct rulings.

But we must make sure it’s 100% correct first! Which is why we have temporarily removed the FAQ from the Mantic website.

Elliott has been hard at work updating the Mantic Companion to ensure both the list builders and core rules for the game systems are presented exactly as needed and correct. We want players to have the confidence to know they can go to a single source for the most up to date information and rules. Once we’ve got this nailed down, we’ll re-release the FAQ & Errata so that everything can match and there’s no more confusion about where to look.

We’re incredibly excited about the potential that this new tool gives us. We really appreciate the support given so far to find errors and report them as it’s speeding up the process of getting everything up to date. Please continue to report any unusual changes or inconsistencies you find in the Mantic Companion, and we’ll update everyone soon with a proper FAQ & Errata when it’s completed.

After all, your questions are how we get an FAQ in the first place!

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