The Walking Dead: All Out War Kickstarter Edition
25th Sep 2017
The Walking Dead Kickstarter Edition is back!
That’s right, we’ve pulled out the very last of the stock to put on sale alongside the brand new Collector’s Edition (more on that later). These will only be available in limited numbers so order yours now to avoid disappointment.
For those of you who don’t know, Kickstarter Edition of the Walking Dead includes basically all of the first wave (Days Gone Bye) including the core game. This consists of:
- The Walking Dead: All Out War Core Game
- Days Gone Bye Expansion
- Shane Booster
- Lori Booster
- Andrea Booster
- Carol Booster
- Scenery Booster
In addition to these, you also get all of the Character, Event, and Equipment Cards to use your miniatures, plus the card counters, scenery, dice, threat tracker, and Kill Zone that you’ll need to play. There’s also the Core Rulebook, Quick Start Guide and Days Gone Bye Expansion book - which includes extra rules and scenarios for your games. Finally, there’s also the Cards and Miniatures for the Kickstarter Exclusives – Abraham, Michonne, Negan, Walker Ronne, Rick’s Badge and the Bag o’ Guns Loot Marker. Wow – that’s a lot of stuff! All in all that’s worth over £150/€200/$230 – which you might notice is on sale for significantly less in this package.
As these have been in storage for a while, and were check and rebuilt for this sale, the outer boxes have suffered a little. We’ve made sure the contents are safe, so only the outer box will have suffered minor damage. As a result, we’ve discounted these slightly ore than their usual price.
To make things clear, we’ve separated these into two categories:
- Grade A have suffered minor scuffing on the corners through use, but are otherwise fine. What would be expected for a used product.
Grade B have suffered minor damage – such as dented corners or creases in the box. Again, the contents are absolutely fine, it is only the box that’s damaged. A bargain at their further discounted price.
These are the last Kickstarter Editions we have, so you’ll likely never see them on sale on our webstore gain after this. So if you ever wanted to get into the Walking Dead: All Out War, the time is now!