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Welcome to Kings of War Month!

2nd Aug 2021

Rob Burman

Over the past few months we've been talking a lot about 'getting back gaming' - we even had a logo made for it, that's how SERIOUS we're taking this. The past year has been a difficult one for those wanting to scratch that dice rolling itch (perhaps you should see a doctor?), however it seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel... or there's a cream available if it's a different itch. Recently we've seen more tournaments taking place around the world and this weekend we attended the (very well managed) UK Games Expo in Birmingham. We've even started hosting more games here at the refurbished Mantic Gaming Hall.

A game of Kings of War here at Mantic HQ featuring a classic match up between dwarfs and goblins.

The Get Back Gaming message culminates in our biggest event yet later this month, with the launch of the Kings of War global campaign (more on that in a moment). Generally though in August we just want people to get excited about rolling some dice again and playing Kings of War. If you've been on the fence for a while, then there's really never been a better time to cautiously dip your toe in the water and hope it doesn't get chopped off by a rogue Naiad.

The reason for August being chosen as 'Kings of War Month' is because we've got loads and loads of exciting things going on, so let's take a look and see why YOU should be more excited than a goblin that's just realised they've found a really, really stabby dagger.


Salamanders Mega Army Colour shot

Ok, so theoretically these shipped in July BUT they're just arriving in stores now and many people are starting to receive their web orders in the post. The Salamander army has been something that we've wanted to release for years and, we're sure you'll agree, that the wait has been worth it. Units like the Rhinosaurs and Tyrants are absolute beasts and we can't wait to see them painted up and on the gaming table.

Even Rob, goblin king extraordinaire, has caught the salamander bug and has painted up his first regiment of Ancients. Don't worry, the world isn't ending, he'll probably get bored and go back to goblins soon enough. However, it sounds like he isn't the only one that has been inspired by the flaming amphibians because we've sold several times more than we expected... so please be patient if you're waiting for your order. We are casting as fast as we can!


It's safe to say there has been a fair bit of excitement about the halfings. These diminutive fighters have been causing a stir since we first teased them at the Mantic Online Preview and seeing the painted examples has sent the hype train into overdrive (not to be confused with OverDrive, the new game).

This week we'll be unleashing all sorts of sweet halfling-based info, including:

  • the background to the halflings and why they split from the League of Rhordia
  • the design process behind the halflings
  • an interview with the Kings of War RC about creating the army list and how they play

What's more, we'll also be popping the August and September releases up for pre-order on the Mantic website this Wednesday. So get your wallets ready folks!

We've also seen a few people asking where they can get the halfling army list from. Well, we'll be releasing the beta list alongside the pre-orders this Wednesday. The beta list is the final opportunity for the community to have a look, play some games and feedback about anything they think is odd. Once locked down the official halfling army list will appear in this year's Clash of Kings.


Talking of Clash of Kings - the tournament this time, not the book - we've got just seven tickets left for this year's tournament at Firestorm Games in Cardiff. If we can sell those final tickets, that'll take us up to 100 players, which will officially be the biggest Clash of Kings tournament in the UK. Buy your ticket here.

For those that have already got their tickets and are wondering where the Rules Pack is, we're pleased to say it'll be available this week.


Kings of War month ends with the incredibly exciting Fight for the Rift global campaign. This is your chance to shape the fate of Pannithor by battling it out. Will you fight to close the powerful rift that has ripped the Halpi Mountains apart, or will you try to take control of this ancient power? The choice is yours.

We're currently putting the finishing touches to a special campaign website (seen above) where you can upload your results and read a little more about the background of the campaign. And remember, although the official dates for the campaign are August 27th - 30th, you can play now and upload your results once the website is up and running.

The Fight for the Rift campaign will use the special rules from the Halpi's Rift supplement. So, to make sure you're up and running, the Halpi's Rift supplement is currently half price until the start of the campaign.

Plus, as if all this wasn't exciting enough... this month will see the return of the clash of the century. The battle of the titans. The kings of not quite knowing the rules... Ronnie and Rob will face off, as Ronnie attempts to get revenge for defeat at the Battle of Ravenswood last year! Will either of them remember the rules? Will Ronnie bring three times as many dwarfs again? And - most importantly - will he actually move any models this time? All these questions and more (mainly from Rob and Ronnie as they ask how to play) will be answered on August 24th.

So, there you have it. An absolutely packed month of reveals, new releases and more. Plus, we may even answer the question of what this mysterious teaser from the Mantic Online Preview actually is...

What do you think it might be?

Related Products

Kings of War: Getting Started FREE Rules – Digital

Get your Kings of War Free Rules sampler. Learn the core gameplay of Kings of War: Third Edition and try out your battle tactics with two sample armies: dwarfs and orcs. Contains all the rules required to play an introductory game.

Welcome to Kings of War, and prepare to rally your forces to fight epic battles in the best and biggest fantasy mass-battle game. Choose your side and then command an army of Mantic miniatures to represent incredible armies such as the stoic and pious Basileans, or plot your opponent’s downfall with the wicked forces of the Abyss. With a huge variety of models and armies to choose from and many stories to tell, Kings of War is truly an amazing experience.

*Download requires a webstore account.


Salamander Mega Army

The solid ranks of powerful and stoic Salamanders are warmed by the magical heat of fire elementals summoned by the mage priests. Brutish Tyrants are used as lethal shock troops while the veteran ceremonial guard provide an elite backbone to the forces of the reptilians.


Halpi’s Rift Campaign Book

Halpi’s Rift is a campaign book for Kings of War, which includes rules for using the magic bleeding into the world of Pannithor in your games!

Each campaign location is affected by the magical energies running through Pannithor differently – providing players with additional location-specific spells and artefacts, which can be used to vanquish their foes and turn the tide of the campaign.

The increase in magical activity in these locations may also provide Spellcasters with powerful, if sometimes unpredictable, abilities. Such is the power of these magical energies, that even the nature of the battlefield terrain itself may be blessed or cursed by it, causing generals to adapt their tactics for the unique scenarios found in each location.

Also includes the 2021 Clash of Kings rules updates.


Original price was: £20.00.Current price is: £5.00.

Clash of Kings 2021 Digital

Halpi’s Rift is a brand new campaign book for Kings of War, which includes rules for using the magic bleeding into the world of Pannithor in your games! Also includes the latest Clash of Kings rules updates.

