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Why I Need The New TerrainCrate3 In Kings Of War

28th Nov 2022

Jonny Mann

We all know terrain is very important to Kings of War. It shapes the immersion on the table and provides players with challenges to overcome and opportunities to take grasp and use to your advantage.

In this blog we're going to explore some of the new items in the latest Kickstarter that no Kings Of War player should want to be without.


Something that will always crop up in a typical rank and flank game where large hordes march forward on movement trays, terrain often has to be removed to allow a unit to sit in its place, or we find ourselves precariously balancing our beloved miniatures over a terrain piece and prying it doesn't fall over and break!

In come the new neoprene templates!

Whether it's forest templates to put your trees on (more on those later), building templates or even templates to represent difficult terrain, we have you covered!

Forest Templates

Pink line denotes actual cutting line for production. The larger two will be made to tessellate to make one large wood.

Building Templates

Difficult Terrain

 Mud, Wheat Fields and Puddles

New Mats

TerrainCrate3 is also bring some fantastic new neoprene mats, including two that would fit right at home in Pannithor!

Fantastic Fantasy Mat

A great mat for any number of games systems and perfect for Kings Of War.

Other World Mat

Somewhat more unusual, the "Other World" mat would be an excellent choice for fight in the Abyss or for those haunting battles between or against the Nightstalkers and undead!

All the gaming mats in the Kickstarter come in 6'x4', 66"x44", 4'x4' and now 3'x3', so you have plenty of options be it, for full scale battles or for ambush!

NOTE: The new mats and templates are an Add On so if the crates don't take your fancy, you can still pick up these great additions in the Pledge Manager!


Of course once you've picked up the incredibly useful forest templates your going to want to put some stunning new flora on them! The fantasy world of Pannithor is full of all sorts of wonderful flora and fauna and isn't just a copy paste of Traditional tropes or British countryside. We have created a fantastic range of fungi like plants and jungle-esc trees to take your gaming table to the next level.

These trees come as multi-part sections that can be arranged in any multitude of ways. They now even have holes in which to insert a magnet so they can be reconfigured over and over again!

In this Crate you are not only getting excellent quality miniatures, but also getting STUNNING value for money. You’ll be getting almost 2kg of terrain for just £50/$60 – that's going to be somewhere around 60% off the RRP when they hit the shelves next year!

And that's before we take into account all the stretch goals we have already and will continue to unlock!

Head on over to the Kickstarter page and start building the gaming table of your dreams today!