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Why Is Kings Of War So Ruddy Brilliant – Kyle Explains All

5th Oct 2022

Jonny Mann

Kings of War has some buzz right now! You’ve heard about it through friends, videos, or maybe seen tables at an event or show. Since you’re curious, Kyle thought he’d tell you exactly what makes it so awesome.

The Spectacle

First and foremost – there is nothing like the spectacle of a mass battle fantasy wargame. Tons of incredible toy soldiers that you get to create and personalize, clashing with your friends on beautiful landscapes is a dream come true for any wargamer. Kings of War has a world of flavor and variety filled with creatures and magic, monsters and titans, and epic war engines.

Hobbyists love Kings of War for the focus on being able to create diorama units and themes with their armies. Having the ability to base units in creative ways allows players to really let their army come to life. Players will often match their basing, terrain, and display boards to create impressive environments their models march to war in. When it all comes together it gives a sense of accomplishment that’s hard to match!

The moment of battle right before the lines crash with breathtaking miniatures and scenery is one of pure adrenaline and something you’ll find yourself coming back to again and again!

The Gameplay is something special

Mantic strives to make the most enjoyable wargames on the market and Kings of War set the standard for that expectation. Games are fast and engaging, invoking the sense of a true fantasy battle coming to life. As a player, you guide your forces into the fray with a strong focus on movement and positioning. The mechanics reward finding a way to outflank your opponent, increasing the effectiveness of the unit by doubling or tripling their attacks. Nightstalkers vs Northern Alliance

Even with a variety of different races and factions, this core notion remains the same. You have tremendous freedom to customize your forces and unlock various playstyles or utilize an army’s unique strengths. This is because the rules strive for balance and flavour. All factions share similar special rules that make common terms easy to learn and understand. Individual factions contain unique keywords or interactions that allow their units to perform in special ways or provide bonuses when played synergistically.

We’ve kept it simple, yet deep

There is a strong focus on making very simple core rules that players of any age or experience level can quickly catch on to. Being able to easily grasp the game mechanics ensures you are confident playing games and having fun. As you grow in experience, you will learn deeper strategies and be challenged to adapt to new game situations. This means you can start playing right away and have lots to look forward to as you continue to get games in.

So many ways to enjoy the experience

Inside the Kings of War Rulebook, you will find a variety of ways to play the game. No matter what type of fantasy wargaming experience you’re looking for, we’ve got it here.

Ambush! is the perfect introduction to Kings of War. With low points and model count, your early collections can grow with lots of fun games. It’s the best way to learn and is ideal for kids you’d love to get involved into wargaming. Even as an experienced gamer, quick games of Ambush! hone your skills and are incredible fun. We find the best selling point to Kings of War is playing a game and it all starts with Ambush!

Siege games allow players to set up as attacker and defender of a thematic castle. The defender is able to purchase additional defenses unique to their faction while the attacker is granted access to special tools that help bring down those walls!

Legendary Games are the culmination of everything you could possibly do in Kings of War. Setting up games of 3000 points or more means your entire collection of models can be brought to the table for an epic showdown. Unlock your wizards full potential with magic channeling tables that give even more power to your units. And if you're feeling really creative, make custom monsters by choosing your own stats and rules! Turn your Mutant Rat Fiend into something really crazy!


We have an international community of players who love to stay connected. Players compete at events all over the world and make memories and friends that last a lifetime. Kings of War events are social experiences where the fun you have is at the heart of the experience.

Mantic stays involved in the community as well, utilizing a player driven Rules Committee to help collate feedback and keep the game balanced and fun. We also join the various podcasts, YouTube channels, and influencer platforms to give an inside track into what’s happening with the game. That way you’re always involved and have a way to reach out and feel as much a part of the experience as possible.

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